Ghost Recon Wildlands - Ghosts say no to drugs

It really depends. As far as gameplay goes, once you turn off gear leveling it is as good as Wildlands. Nowadays you can even turn off those bullet sponge drones outside of story mission.

But the you get the story to deal with, which supposedly is the skeleton that connects the game. And that skeleton is effing terrible IMO.

Wildlands has a hint of depth behind the drug war. All the cutscenes were narrated by a very cynical person, half winking at the audience. What I can read between the lines is that the drug war basically is a symptom of western insatiable appetite for coke. If Don Jr. el. at. don’t like coke so much there wouldn’t be drug cartel. It is simple economics. And because they like their coke too much to actually want to do anything meaningful, and so they choose to treat the symptom and not the cause by sending 4 elite soldier bros as a token gesture. And when the four dude-bros succeed beyond all expectations and took down the cartel, they basically undo the whole thing by granting immunity to the boss dude.

And the hint of sophistication in Breakpoint’s story? Elon Musk is a dick? We knew that already.