Gigantic, the other 3d action cartoon-like MOBA

Interesting article about how Gigantic barely came out:

They had to lay everyone off in Feb 2016 and the team… just kept working! Looking at the timeline, they contacted us about Discourse in Apr 2015 so there was much turmoil to come.

I also have a code for the digital starter edition if anyone wants it (I think this includes a few heroes, unlike the free edition)

Bump – does anyone want the Gigantic Starter Pack friend code?

I’d be interested if it is still available. Thanks.

Refer a friend program!

I’ve been meaning to comment on this, but Gigantic is not exactly a traditional MOBA. Mostly it is about hero fighting.

You can deploy creeps to power points on the map but they cannot move very far from those points, they are effectively tethered to the point. They will fight enemy heros who are close by the point but they don’t move significantly. The creep classes are

  • cyclops (barrier building)
  • tree (team healing)
  • cerberus (radar)

So you effectively get a little team perk near the map point if you build on it. Most times people just opt for healing, I almost never see people build the radar dogs. The barriers block off routes on the map which roughly forces things down to 2 chokepoints instead of 3 on that particular map section, which is … sorta useful but nowhere near as useful as healing in a game that’s all about hero fighting!

I do miss proper creeps a bit. The hero fighting is good and fine – except I’d swear the assassins are overpowered, particularly Tripp. Almost every single game I’ve played has two Tripps, one on each side…

Mobility is huge in this game, you have to be constantly jumping and shucking and jiving, which is why every time I play the robot turret guy I get annihilated; there’s no way to escape the massive close range DPS Tripp deals out.

This video did make me want to at least give it a try… But player skill levels missing? So newbs vs pros for your first game probably would not be pleasant. Same crap happened in Battleborn.

Sad news bump

Here’s a statement from Motiga founder and CEO Chris Chung gave to Destructiod:

All of Motiga was acquired by Perfect World last year. Perfect World decided to announce the arrangement as partnership by the directions from corporate for the reason we were not privy to.

Yes, [the closure] was the corporate decision. It was a budgetary decision at the highest level. Perfect World as a public company has a profitability goal and they decided to cut parts of the company that were not profitable. In short, Gigantic was not making enough revenue. Unfortunately, Motiga is not the only Perfect World studio being impacted by the decision.

Gigantic will be left at the hands of a maintenance team composed of few dedicated folks at Motiga. They are [an] awesome group of people that will be working on the game until some time in the future when it doesn’t make sense anymore.

Thank you for the kind words. As someone that created Motiga from scratch, it’s a sad day for me but I am proud of the team we built and the culture we established at Motiga. I was hugged by everyone today and you don’t see that kind of reaction in most companies through an ordeal like this.

RIP - July 31,2018.

It was pretty and had a neat visual style. Shoulda gone for BATTLE ROYALE!

In unexpected news:

“Set to launch on April 9, 2024, across PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms for $19.99”

WTF. That’s some left field news.

There’s a beta on Steam this weekend, apply on the store page.

Judging by this thread, wumpus was the only fan of the game here.

LOL. Wow. Real blast from the past. I preferred Evolve (4 players vs 1 monster player), but that died too.

Heck! I loved this game back in the day; there’s a good chance this hooks me again. But will it have any player base…

good news but I definitely would have preferred Battleborn

Yeah but that comes with Randy Pitchford
Also I already paid 60$ for that game

Super Monday Night Combat when?

But it’s a good idea, they tried the F2P way and it didn’t work, maybe as a cheap game it can thrive, if they need more money maybe add “fair” microtransactions.