Giveaway thread!

Gorath and ineffablebob, I’ll send over the keys once I get home.

marquac – Holy Potatoes! please if it’s still unclaimed?

I mentioned it, but it was mostly just out of curiosity at the silly name. Nightgaunt is welcome to it, as it seems he’s actually interested. :)

Oh, sorry, I missed that. No worries! bob was first!

I have a spare Steam coupon for 25% off Forced Showdown, which was released today. It’s currently 12% off ($17.59), and this coupon stacks bringing it down to $13.19. I really enjoy it, but check out the multiple Twitch streams for yourself.

PM me, if interested!

EDIT: Claimed!

Sorry Gorath, you weren’t talking to me. My apologies, I got confused.

Crimzon Clover World Ignition
You can get this for a buck on IndieGameStand for the next few days, or for free from me right now. Takers?

If anyone has games they’re unable to give away, just turn them into a raffle. Everyone will want them!

Oooh, how’d you snag those? The random coupons I get are never for something I actually want.

I took part in their Twitch event and was randomly selected to receive a beta key, which also grants the 25%-off Steam coupon. When I didn’t receive my coupon, a KS backer graciously offered to give me his, along with his 10%-off coupon. Shortly thereafter, I received my coupon (of course!). So I paid it forward by offering mine.

For those who plan on buying the game, on the page I linked to, if you sign up for Beta Dwarf’s newsletter, you’ll receive a Steam code for the free content that’s currently being unlocked as a result of the streaming. With the game’s release yesterday, the beta key giveaway is obviously over, but they’ve decided to keep the free unlocks coming.

Like I said, I do have a 10%-off Steam coupon, which goes to the first member to PM me! It’s not 25%-off, but it’s better than a 0%-off, right? EDIT: Claimed!

Maybe I’m in the wrong place, but is there a thread here to trade Steam keys?

I’m perfectly willing to give them away for free, but it’s be nice to swap for something else too.


Ok thanks, see you there!

I got confused for a second too. ;)

I don’t think it worked – no one wanted the rubbish games ;)

Winners of tabletop_simulator are: WarpRattler, Scott Lufkin, ducker!.

Unfortunately my steam access isn’t great right now, as I’m about to go visit the GFs parents for a few days. But if you’re on my Steam friend’s list with the same sort of name I’ll set up an offline trade thingy.

If you want to verify the methodology of the raffling and can read python, click here.

Nice to see a fellow Python programmer. You used Python 3, didn’t you? Have you considered using an OrderedDict instead of a plain dict, in order to preserve the order of insertion and get rid of a call to sorted()?

And now I want to make a little microwebsite (with Flask) implementing an automated raffle system. Sigh. ;)

Awesome, thanks Pod!

Thanks so much, Pod! I accepted your Steam friend request.

Python3: Yes!
OrderedDict: That was my first though when I started typing “sorted”, but I didn’t bother changing as:

a) that would involve more effort in changing the raffles declaration to be a list of pairs
b) it only affected the way stuff was printed out, and not the deterministic-ness of the raffling
c) and I’d already felt like I’d gone overboard with such a small script containing the Raffles class ;)

I’ve already spent more effort thinking about the script whilst typing this post than when I did to make it! V2 will be more robust I’m sure.

Warhammer Quest: 5I7E5-XECD*-MJIVG (*=four)