Gloomhaven - Tactical Combat in a persistent world!

I had thought the digital version was all upside, but I’m revising that. I think it should explain scenario special rules more. Now that I got past what I guess were straight-forward early scenarios, I find myself playing scenarios twice, to recover from my failure to understand what’s really going on. To make up for that deficiency, I guess I’m going to be referring to the board game’s scenario book in the future.

Yep, here’s important text: The NPC “open[s] doors or spring[s] traps if necessary.” “The altar jumps to the next hex in the order a, b, c, d, e, f, and then back to a.”

Okay, in Harrower Hive, I have no idea how they interpreted which walls reveal which rooms or allow movement to hexes, because it certainly didn’t work how I expect. The scenario book doesn’t clear that up, and maybe it’s comes down to bugs in the digital version. I guess I need to consult the rule book. Why is that not a readable thing in the digital version?