GMT The Spanish Civil War (PBF) - “Glory of war, indeed!"

Turn 3 Begins-September, 1936


The sequence is as follows:
(Nationalist, then Republican in all segments)
I. Event Chit Segment (6.0)
a) Draw chit
b) Add new chits (if appropriate)
II. General Mobilization Segment (Republican only, 7.10)
III. Resource Point and Reinforcement Segment
a) Withdrawals & Conversions
b) Receive RPs and Rebuild Units
c) Reinforcement Entry
IV. Strategic Movement Segment (11.0)
a) Sea Movement (11.5) & Paradrops (PB
b) Rail movement
V. HQ and Reserve Formation Segment (12.1)
a) Flip all in-supply HQs to available side

We’ll go through the end of Nationalist III Segment. The The Republican criminals will go then,. Segment II, General Mobilization, cannot occur unless Republican Morale is 20 or less, which it is not. It is at 40.The Republicans controll 2 MLs of Nationalist Cities (they need 10 to win in Sudden Death).


I. Event Chit Segment (6.0)
a) Draw chit
b) Add new chits (if appropriate)

Premier Raiaga drew his chit and it’s event was:

No Event

The Nationalists drew, yet Again:
Secret Chit…

Replacements: With 2 RP in the pool now, the Nationalists rebuild: The Solans Column is built in Valladolid, and the Gistau Column is built in Tudela.
South: The Baturone Column is delayed as Granada is OOS as are all hexes in a 2-hex radius. The García Cobián and Rementería Columns arrive in Cordoba. The colonial Barrón, Delgado Serrano and 2nd Tercio of La Legion Espanola arrive in Sevilla as do the standard Redondo and Arizón Columns. The Bertomeu Column arrives in Cadiz, as do the colonial Pujalte and 3rd Tercio/La Legion (as 1207 is OOS).

Here is the Map at the end of Nationalist Resource Point and Reinforcement Segment. I now hand over to the President leading the atheists bent on the damnation of Spain.