Godzilla Minus One

I’m in for this, and welcome a return to an era where foreign movies didn’t give a damn about catering to some marketing Chad in LA - take it or leave.

OK that looks fantastic, and so much better than the “monster universe” crap like Godzilla vs Kong.

Back to the roots of WW2 and Godzilla bubbling from the imagination of a people dealing with the cultural trauma of atomic destruction.

I like that they show Godzilla stomping ants in the street, and bleeding himself - Godzilla benefits from the gritty layer applied to some of the better Batman movies.

That looks so good.

Hey, that Godzilla looks like it has an actual neck! /bashing U.S. versions

Hope does this fit into the current G plotline from the recent movies?

Assuming you mean the US ones, not at all, I imagine.

Which direction will we head with the sequel? Minus Two, or Zero?

Godzilla Minus One Two, obviously.

Godzilla Minus One II: 3D

So did Godzilla get invited to a wedding and not have a date? Is he going to get stuck at the singles table?

Marriage Story, but with Godzilla and Mothra.

Kevin Feige: Marriage Story, but it cost $350 million.

After having been a fan of Godzilla movies for over 30 years, I finally managed to watch a Japanese one on the big screen. Original version with subtitles no less.

Loved it. One of the kaiju movies in which the human characters don’t have paper-thin personalities. You really root for them. If you removed the big-bad-monster aspect from the movie, I’d still be up for watching it to see how they deal with trauma and overcome their struggles in post-WW2 Japan. The setting is one of the core strengths of the movie. It goes back to the roots of the series, and then some. And thus, Godzilla is pure force of nature that just wreaks havoc and whose atomic breath earns its name here.

It’s not out for another couple of weeks in the UK, but my MST3K watching has reached a Gamera-heavy part, so I think I’ll watch a bunch of those and then Shin Godzilla again before seeing this in the cinema.

This was excellent. I’m not sure if it will be quite top 5 for the year for me, but it is definitely close.

Despite the relatively tiny budget that this movie had ($15M) the special effects are an order of magnitude better than Shin Godzilla, which makes them good enough to never break immersion. The story isn’t deep by any means, but the movie gives the characters and the relationships enough time to develop and become believable.

Not sure I’d go quite as far as to say that I’d watch the standalone movie for just the human story without a GIANT MONSTER SMASHING PUNY SHIPS in the background. But that relationship is definitely what carries the movie.

I have a question on the ending. Two of the twists (Noriko not being dead and the ejection seat) seemed clearly telegraphed, but the guy who missed the war having enlisted a massive fleet of commercial vessels to help in the operation came out of nowhere. Was that foreshadowed somehow and I just missed it? (I can easily believe it, it was a dub in a language I don’t speak that well).