Going to prison? There's a book for that

No really, there is.

his is What You Have To Know, When You Have To Go.

Our federal prison guidebook will take you from your very first day inside through your last. We walk you through the intake procedures, the uniform and housing steps, the institution’s policies and rules, and the unwritten inmate rules that all inmates have to follow. We show you actual menus from the cafeteria and shopping items that are available for purchase at the prison’s commissary. We cover visitation rules, telephone rules and procedures, inmate jobs, medical assistance, and the steps to take to avoid trouble. Our federal prison guidebook will tell you how to avoid making the common mistakes that most first time inmates make which will attract unwanted attention. These mistakes will often lead to problems with other inmates and the prison staff. For example:

Did you know that inmates in federal prisons and federal prison camps consider it to be very bad manners for you to look into their cells or cubes as you walk past? By not knowing this one basic inmate rule it could lead you into a physical confrontation on your very first day inside. Always look straight ahead when walking past other inmate’s houses.

What I don’t even

•Violence - Sexual Assaults
•Inmate Extortion
•The Inmate’s 10 Commandments
•The 8-Sins Of Prison That Cause Trouble
•What The Nights Are Like
•Institution Schedules And Rules
•Inmate Jobs - Do I Have A Choice Of Jobs? Do I Get Paid?
•Visitation - Who Is Allowed To Visit You
•Searches and Shake-Downs
•Other Inmates - Who To Avoid and Who To Really Avoid
•Learn What Gay Inmates Can Do To Be Safer
•Your Living Space
•Your “Celly”
•What You Can Bring With You And What You Can’t
•Daily Life - What Do I Do All Day?
•Medical/Pill Lines
•Guards - How Not To Piss Them Off
•Telephone Calls
•Cafeteria Food - Including Full Menus
•The Hole
•Mail Call
•Commissary Shopping - Including Example of Shopping Order Sheet
•10 Minute Moves
•Chapel, Religion
•Mailed Packages
•Toilets/Showers - Privacy Issues
•Moving To Another Cube/Cell
•Getting a Lower Bunk
•TV/Radio - Can I Buy a TV?
•Lights On/Out
•Haircuts - Are They Free?
•Money Sent In
•Unit Inspections
•Diesel Therapy
•Halfway Houses
•Tips & Advice
•Much More…

“Diesel Therapy”?!

For a more hands-on approach, there’s a game for that too:

When I was a defense attorney we used to have boxes of a similar book (not that one…I can’t remember the name but I have my copy at home) and we would give one to any client sentenced to prison. It makes sense, really – there are lots of people sent to prison, and for first-timers at least they usually have a lot of questions / fears that are best addressed by someone who’s been there. Type “Federal sentencing consultant” into Google and marvel at the number of hits.

“Other Inmates - Who To Avoid and Who To Really Avoid”
Brilliant chapter title!

Meaning the transport bus. People in custody hate prison transport (with good reason).

The iBooks version is more expensive than a mailed paper copy? That’s criminal.

Bringing your iPad with you to prison: yea or nay?

I thought there’d be an “excape in 10 ez lessons” section, haven’t they read Rita Hayworth & the Shawshank Redemption?

I want to read this book. It sounds terribly interesting.

Seems like the target audience for this book probably spends their time doin things slightly more engaging than reading.

So… all 18-22 year olds and all homosexuals regardless of indictment or conviction? Is that “Scared Straight” working on two levels?

Wow. Just wow.

Sadly, probably not a joke.

From an old This American Life:Act Three. Who’s Your Daddy?

The pamphlet, “Hooking Up: Protective Pairing for Punks” they refer to is here, among other things.

Its got to be worse than high school, which table do you sit at in the dinning hall?

That pamphlet is unbelievably pragmatic, and scary as a result. Such as the how-to tips on learning to give head and receive anal sex.

Just awful. Does it cover how to kill yourself if you just can’t take it anymore? Because that would seriously enter my mind.

One thing that’s giving me cognitive dissonance here is:

  1. “Learn What Gay Inmates Can Do To Be Safer” as a chapter in that book, suggesting inmates are intolerant of gays.
  2. Widespread prison rape, so they’re ok with gay sex as long as it’s not consensual. But if both parties enjoy the experience, that’s frowned upon.

Makes sense to me. If I didn’t know someone who’d spent time in jail I could hit up for advice, I’d definitely search out a book like this or a guide on the internet if I seemed headed for a trip to jail.

I’ve heard it’s not as widespread as you’d think. Also, I wouldn’t really classify prison rape as “gay sex”.

When one man inserts his penis into another man’s rectum, I’d definitely call that “gay sex”.

From the link:

The basic fact of the matter is that most males, when separated from females, and especially when they’re young and full of sex hormones which make them horny all the time, can become sexually aroused at the thought of penetrating anyone, regardless of their real sex. The nerves which produce pleasure in the dick don’t ask if it’s a girl’s mouth, a boy’s mouth; an ass or a pussy. For these guys to be turned on and horny doesn’t really require any kind of feminine qualities in you, though the jockers usually prefer to imagine such qualities so they won’t have to think of their attraction as homosexual. That’s why they’ll try to tell you you have feminine qualities even if it’s not true.

When locked up, men get bored with beating off and lonesome and start looking for someone else to provide sexual relief. Also there’s an unexpressed human need for touch and intimacy and prisoners don’t recognize any other way to meet that need. It is also a question of men feeling a need to confirm their own sense of their masculinity, which they feel is somewhat compromised by the fact that they’re locked up, by functioning in their accustomed male sexual roles as penetrators and dominant controllers. Prisoners all have to constantly take orders from the authorities, which makes them feel like slaves of the state. As a compensation they like to find a way to be the boss with someone else and give orders themselves. Sex is a vehicle for a jocker to express all these non-sexual needs.