"Good Old Games"

I am so excited about this y’all have no idea? Can we suggest games at’all? ;)

Oh god, what I wouldn’t give for G-Police and Neverhood again, if those somehow show up on this.

I see Giants:Citizen Kabuto on the site which raises a question, what version of games will we be seeing? Are we going to get localized releases, or an international? Giants was subject to censorship of mermaid nudity, not that it was made any less spectacular.

Sacrifice? I’m there.

This would be the perfect venue to sell the original Thief games, since they pretty much don’t run out of the box at all anymore.

How much are you going to pay us to play Lionheart?


Ok, you have a lot of Interplay games there. Any chance of getting Red Neck Rampage?

Nice initiative, I might be interested. Just a few bucks per game, it sure beats scouring Staples and the like when you look for that old obscure OOP PC CD-ROM.

But aren’t there already a lot of those oldies available through various digital distribution services such as Steam? Are we going to find stuff there that we can’t get from the competitors?

I see Jagged Alliance 2 will be included, damn I shouldn’t have bought it at Steam, I think I paid like 20 bucks and supposedly the game balance is all screwed up in the Steam release. Eh.

And I don’t think there need to be any concern about piracy, anyone who wants these games can get them piss-easy from Bittorrent. If you buy them this way it’s because of the added conveniency and because you somewhat care.

Completely agree. After having gametap for almost a year, I’ve found it pretty disappointing. Not enough of the old games I like, and too many don’t run well on Vista.

I really hope this goes well. It’s pretty much exactly what I’ve felt the games industry has needed for years now. I’m not convinced it will, though.

This is great! Mostly, I’m excited about the compatibility. I mean, I have most of those games already, but they’re in various states of playability due to operating system issues.

I see there are a lot of the good Interplay games there. Any chance of adding more old Microprose, Origin, Looking Glass, and/or Bullfrog titles to the list? Some might require DOSBox-esque wrappers or something, but I’d consider paying (a little) to avoid the compatibility/setup hassles.

  • Alan

Man, Interplay never did middle of the road, did they? I thought nearly everything they did was either awesome or complete crap.

I already own all the games they’ve shown so far, except for Lionheart. But I’ll probably be willing to buy the games again for those prices, since I’ll never have to go searching for CDs again. Especially if they come with PDFs of the manuals. I LOVE the Fallout and Fallout 2 manuals, but I’ve moved so many times since those games came out, I have no idea which box those manuals are in right now. (Rest assured, I’ll never throw those away).

Looks like this was the reason.


Heh, I’ve thrown just about all my manuals and boxes out to reduce clutter, but had to keep those two.

Very nice idea! I’ve signed up for the beta too and will recommending it to my Gamer friends (we’re all a bunch of old farts).

Here is hoping to get into the beta… I’m already replaying Planescape Torment, as I found my old CD’s. But I can see many others (Fallout, Freespace 2, …) I’d love to replay.

Oh and +1 on the Thief games. Now those would be great to replay!


I’m getting close to that. I use to love gametap. Now? Not so much. I’m keeping it because it still is just $60 a year and my kids play it a lot. However outside of Sam n Max season 2, there has been nothing decent in year. Services were reduces, games lost, and the new stuff is mostly budget shovelware from Europe. They have a huge list of major name coming soon games that never appear. There was a push about a year and a half ago to get games out close to release. Now they annouce games coming up and they come out in stores, go to the bargin bins, and then disappear and they are still listed as “coming soon.”

Now I just need a company to sell me some Good Old Free Time.

I have an unfinished game of Baldurs Gate on my laptop and Fallout 1 + 2 shrinkwrapped, but no time to speak of.

Would GoG have anything to do with the waffling that GameTap just did with Interplay games (e.g. Freespace and Freespace 2)?

A cigarette makes your life two minutes shorter.
A glass of whiskey makes your life three minutes shorter.
A day at work makes your life eight hours shorter.

Go figure. :p


For 5 or 6 bucks, I’ll probably try Lionheart actually. Didn’t it have a decent start, like the big city near the beginning of the game?

I don’t think so. Gametap seems to change direction every 6 months it seems. They built a news division and closed it before it could get noticed. They pushed family games and then got rid of them a few months later and then picked up up again. Myst URU was on again off again a few times. They were going to start funding game development, then that dried up. They were going to launch games the same time they came out in stores but I think only the last Tomb Raider was.