Google Stadia - Once More Into The Streaming Breach

Well it has been unveiled. We’re basically in territory where the likes of OnLive and Gaikai (bought by Sony to become Playstation Now) have been before.

Aside from building their own PtP routes for it, I am hopeful that this isn’t going to be another half-baked project by Google.

For one thing, unless they’ve solved the light speed problem, I don’t see how they’re going to get around the primary issue that’s plagued previous attempts: latency. That was the first thing that the Digital Foundry guys jumped on right away - and the results aren’t promising at all; especially for mouse input. They did trot out DOOM Eternal as a title that’s using it; but didn’t actually show gameplay. So we have no idea thus far.

Still no business model announcement. So we don’t know if it’s B2P, subscription or what. Though the media (who are, as usual just making sh*t up on-the-fly) are calling it the “Netflix For Games”, thus implying that they already know the business model.

It’s certainly doesn’t quite look like another Android GooglePlay lawless frontier because there’s a lot more work and moving parts involved in adding support for it to a game.

Devs can sign up here.

My hot take following the news.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Google’s vision for the future of gaming