Great recipes for weight loss (Keto, low-cal, etc.)

If you don’t believe me, then be my guest.

These are both really good -

Pork Barrel Pork Rinds, 20 Pack (

Bubba’s Keto Ungranola Variety, 6 Pack (

I got the Bubba’s 6 pack when it showed up a couple months ago. I would recommend them, although they can be a little heavy on the artificial sweetener taste. They are excellent as a mix-in to something.

Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but simple egg muffins are a go to in my household.

Basically mini omelettes but baked. Portable, stay well in the fridge, microwaved in 30 seconds, can hold any number of fillings, very easy to make.

I make these pretty regularly. Though when I’m lazy I just eat hard-boiled eggs.

I like super dark (90% or more) chocolate. I used to dip it in peanut butter and could have a nice snack with like 2-3 grams of carbs. But I just found some Keto Chocolate PeanutButter which is just amazing. Fewer carbs than PB or even Almond Butter and a strong enough chocolate flavor you could eat it with 100% chocolate and it wouldn’t be the least bitter.

I love making stir fries, heavy on the vegetables, with some light (fish, chicken, tofu) protein, around 3 oz or so. The rice, which I love, is the main problem, being carb-o-licious. I have started using riced cauliflower, which you can buy frozen (Costco has it cheap) or make yourself as a substitute. And, it works amazingly well. On Weight Watchers it is zero points, too.

My wife stumbled across a cauliflower cheese dish that is basically mac-n-cheese with homemade cheese sauce and the cut up cauliflower instead of pasta. So damned good and the sauce could really go over anything. Even the kids are snarfing it. Which means less for me. :-(

Cauliflower also makes good pizza crust. It’s kind of a miracle food.

I’ve tried it mashed and riced, and there’s just something to the taste of cauliflower that I cannot stand. Wish I could, because it would certainly make eating healthy much easier.


Riced cauliflower in a dish with a heavy sauce isn’t too bad. I like to think of it as an additive that extends the dish a bit, but I don’t want to go too heavy with it.

The cauliflower pizza crust I’ve had isn’t good pizza crust. No, no, no.

There really doesn’t seem to be any good substitute for carby bread products, sadly. Just show me a non-carb cracker as tasty as a Wheat Thin.

QFT. I think what really does it for me is the smell. It really nauseates me. :(

I will say that if I can get by the smell, riced doused in curry wasn’t bad.

This keto low carb bread is very spendy but it’s pretty good. I’ve only had the burger buns.

For mashed cauliflower, I take small to med head, cut it up, steam it for 20min. Transfer to food processor with 2 or 3 oz of cream cheese, half stick of butter, s/p. And I grate half clove fresh garlic. It’s bright but not overpowering. Tastes like a poor-man’s mashed potatoes to me.

Cauliflower can be an acquired taste for sure. I find it has almost no taste, but YMMV. And no, there is no substitute for actual bread or bread-like stuff. But I have to tell myself there is, because otherwise I can’t lose any weight.

The regular bread is good too! It can be a little bit spongey in texture, but that’s not a huge deal as part of a sandwich. Toasts pretty well too.

The key to cauliflower mash is definitely plenty of some combination of cream, butter, and cheese.

I’ve seen a number of recommendations for how to use riced cauliflower for the texture, as in, put it in something strongly enough flavored and you will only get the texture. This holds true for diced cauliflower trying to approximate diced potato texture as well. Particularly nice for something like an egg bake or muffin.

That’s why I steam it for 20 min, I’m not looking for texture really, just a smooth, almost puree mashed potato substitute in the cranked food processor. More like baby food ;)

I’ve made this over a dozen times, so good…

Keto Egg Loaf (French toast)
In Blender:
8 eggs
8 tbs melted butter
8oz cream cheese
Vanilla extract 1 tsp
Cinnamon (I use a lot) (mix some in blender AND sprinkle some on top before putting in oven)
Make sure to heavily grease the baking vessel to prevent sticking (I use butter)
Bake 350 for about 35-40 min or until done.

Store in fridge. Slice and microwave or fry in butter!!

Not complete without Walden Farms- Calorie Free Pancake Syrup

So much of the stuff that makes healthy stuff taste good is full of either sugar or fat. Adding either is not something I can really do with my dieting approach, so it’s a good thing I adore vegetables. Frozen fresh fruit is also really good for sweetness, as long as there’s no added sugar.

I hear ya. I’m not sure what your diet approach is but mine is ultra low or no carbs (-20g net per day target), so it’s mostly high fat and protein. I lost a bunch of weight on keto a couple of years ago, but then I quit smoking after 35 years, covid era stress, and the ‘last 4 years’ stress. So I crashed but now back in balance and back on keto. I’m already down 10lbs in a few weeks.