Greatest TV theme songs?

[Kids in the Hall]

YESS! I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it.

[Duck Dodgers]

That’s incredible. I’m not even sure if I knew that was a show, much less a show with Tom Jones singing the theme.

Since we’re on a cartoon kick:

How many other theme songs had per-episode variations??

(These are from the new series; of course the old series was classic, too.)

Futurama comes to mind, though that was strictly visual.

No Peter Gunn theme? Shame, Rolling Stone. Shaaaame.

(okay I admit I only know about this song because of playing Spy Hunter)

And you’ve got to have at least one Doctor Who theme. My personal favorite:

The Peter Gunn theme is SO iconic and such an ear worm you just have to mention it 60 years later and it immediately plays in my head.

Henri Mancini was such a genius.

George of the Jungle:

Super Chicken:

This is the GOAT to me.

The Young Pope/New Pope series came up in a P&R thread (long story), and that reminded me that the New Pope titles were… audacious.

If this makes you… curious… every episode was a different version of gyrating women in nuns’ underthings.

Me too. Playing the clip gave me Spyhunter flashbacks.

Badger gives the correct answer with Tank.

I always loved this one, its not PC and in some ways hasn’t aged well, all the celebrity name drops are also make it very dated.

Along those lines, I still occasionally get this tune stuck in my head.

Wooo Hooo!

Also as a kid this was always on tv reruns usually in the mid afternoon.

And I was told… this was one my grand fathers favorite shows:

One of my all time favorites. The full length version is also great.

The full length version is also great.

Not an original composition or done for the show, but Big Mouth makes outstanding use of Charles Bradley’s fantastic cover of Ozzie’s “Changes.”

And how is it no one’s mentioned Night Court yet?!

You, sir, are a man of taste and sophistication.

I’m pleasantly surprised someone beat me to that one. :)

Ooooh, great call.

Here are two that I rarely, if ever, skipped (all the more impressive as that was despite the siren call of that ‘skip intro’ button everything has these days).

Of course, now I’m feeling sad again that they both got cancelled.   ( ╥﹏╥) ノシ

Woah, that Raised By Wolves theme is chilling.

I think the visuals do a lot of work in this one, but it’s still one I enjoyed watching every episode:

That version of the Gilligan’s Island theme includes the Professor and Mary Anne. The original just referred to the pair as “… and the rest”.

Never in a million years would I have expected a Brian Jonestown Massacre song to be used in a TV series set during Prohibition. But there you go.