Green Lantern

I’m pretty sure that’s Green Arrow. Different guy.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ryan Reynolds!!!

Good choice. He gets cast as the clown most of the time, but he’s got rugged good looks, swagger, and a buff body. I think he’ll pull it off quite easily.

Stusser, you still keeping track of these?

I’m guessing Deadpool is now dead.


But at least Jose has appropriately low standards. Smallville!

I haven’t watched the last three seasons but it was fairly good at one point.

Has it been suggested which GL the movie will be about? As in, is it about Hal Jordan, Kyle Rainer, etc?

Hal Jordan.

If you’re curious, io9’s script review.

Is there any excuse for Ryan Reynolds to grow his beard in this movie?

Don’t forget Hannibal King. What, am I the only one who saw Blade 3?

Goddamn, I would have much rather seen Bradley Cooper in this role. I have nothing at all against Ryan Reynolds (except that I sometimes confuse him with Dane Cook, until I realize Ryan is the funny one), but I don’t don’t see his smarm fitting the role - although I guess I don’t really know the character that well, so we’ll see.

I’m just glad to see DC moving forward on something other than Batman.

No but I wish I never saw it in the first place.

Well consider Superman is dead in development and Batman is waiting for Daddy Nolan to return, someone else had to be moved to the majors.

Interesting. Before you posted that, I assumed the movie must be about Guy thanks to the casting of Reynolds.

That be kinda like kicking the Batman franchise off with Robin.

I hear you, I just don’t think of Ryan Reynolds as the Hal Jordan type. Guy Gardner, sure. Hal? Nope.

He basically plays the same character in every movie anyway.

I don’t see the problem.

Hal Jordan is an arrogant douchebag.

Ryan Reynolds can play an arrogant douchebag.

I love Green Lantern. And that page of Guy as the “Crazy one” is great.

But what always got me was the name: Green Lantern. Ever try to get a non-comic reader, whose maybe just getting into a comic or two, into Green Lantern?

They tend to look at you funny.

I agree though, Hal was(still is?) a douche, and Kyle is a cry baby. Stewart, Gardner and Scott I did enjoy more than the other two.

An exception would be the Green Arrow/Lantern team series and the Hal Jordan series that did his origin Emerald Dawn (the one with Legion as the villain).

Glad toi see a movie in the works.

Folks should see him in Smokin’ Aces.

All the DC stuff is pretty hokey though.

There’s no popular superhero who is more aligned with CG effects than GL.