Grid Cartographer - Mapping Tool

Hi, I’ve recently released a piece of software called Grid Cartographer:

It was developed as a mapping assistant for classic cRPG games like Wizardry and Might & Magic - a replacement for graph paper with the conveniences that an electronic document provides. The idea being you run DosBox in a window and next to it (or on a second monitor) you run this and as you scout around the dungeon you build up a map.

Since launch it has been well received over at the forum and RPG Codex, it has grown rapidly to include many advanced features such as importing custom tile sets, new themes (including a CGA mode for an even greater retro experience), full clipboard functionality and a popup brush selection screen for rapid switching.

Here’s the sort of thing you can make using the recently added ‘export to image’ feature:

I’m very open to feature requests and look forward to any feedback.

I hope you find it useful!


Welcome, and um, heck of a damn fine first post, even if it is just pimping your own project! ;)

You’re making me want to play the first Might & Magic now. Good luck with the release!

(Also, any other would-be forum sales-pitchers, take note. This is how it’s done: Up-front, modest, and to-the-point. And it’s something QT3ers would appreciate that we might not have heard of otherwise.)

Thanks for the warm welcome, it’s always a bit nerve-racking posting for the first time in a new community :-)

I’m glad I’ve inspired you to play Might and Magic again! Number 2 in the series always draws me in with it’s simplicity.

This project was one that I started shortly after buying Wizardry 6 and promptly getting very lost and falling off a tower. I think the secret to making good software is making something you want to use for your own enjoyment. I find myself scouting around for hours in these games now, role playing a guy with a map grumbling about ‘inconvenient’ fights.

Glad you like it and yeah, I hope people get inspired to play these old gems again!

That’s a nifty program - whenever I get around to my backlog of those games, I’ll be sure to check it out.

Oh boy, sounds like you’ll fit right in around here. :)

Just in time for the summer sale. :)

That’s a nice co-incidence, but who could have waited this long to buy Might and Magic! ;-)

vvv Thanks for giving it a try! / Hope you like it! vvv

I have the M&M 1-6 collection and can’t bring myself to try the older ones that don’t have automap. So this little program of yours just might be the answer.

Its nice your paid version is only $5, that’s very reasonable for a tool that P&P DMs will find very handy.

Hi and welcome to the forums, Mr. Walters!

I’d like to formally request your app be able to automap M&M 1-6 entirely on its own - thanks again!

Excellent utility, thank you for sharing it with us! Looks awesome.

bookmark added

Thanks for all the kind words! I’m not going to spam this board every time I made an update but I thought you might like to know that in the 3 days since I’ve posted this thread I’ve added:

  • Native PNG export
  • Repeating mode for axis numbers - as a result of a request from someone looking to re-create Might and Magic 1’s world map.
  • Improved toolbar with options to turn sections on/off and a paint-can button to fill selected areas.
  • Several new tiles: A ‘simple block’ without the automatic edges of a regular block. An exclamation mark and speech bubble tiles for events and messages respectively (or whatever you want them to mean!).
  • Improved note mode with a visual indicator of where you’re placing a note, the ability to change that during editing and an edit mode for existing notes.
  • and numerous fixes and usability enhancements.

I hope you enjoy this extra stuff and look forward to further suggestions!

Not sure how many game developers will read this, but v1.3.4 can now export maps as XML files.

You can use this data to drive your own engine and make grid based games with it. I made a reference manual for it too: . Probably I should learn Unity and make a tech demo for people since parsing XML and making your own engine is kind of a dying art now (and that’s probably a good thing). Not enough hours in the day though :)

Other than that I’ve also added a top-left option for people like me who find bottom-left … just … really weird.

I’ve just released update v1.3.9 at the usual spot:

This is primarily a collection of bug fixes for the PC version I’ve discovered while making the code more portable.

You may also be interested to know that I’m currently developing a spin-off project for Android devices called “Grid Cartographer Touch” :-)

I’m hoping for it to be a very close equivalent to the PC version, as close as possible feature wise. There’s a lot of code to make touch screen compatible (and a fair bit of learning how to do so Android specific things) so it’s still a way off yet, but the thought of being able to play games in full-screen, to doodle new map ideas while I’m out, and to transfer maps back and forth between the PC and phone/tablet is definitely making this project seem like a great idea.

I’ve also made a short blog post about it here: and I’m happy to answer any further questions you might have.

Wow, very, very nice.

Grid Cartographer Touch is now available for Android.

I’ve rewritten a ton of stuff to be touch friendly and hopefully it’s nice to use. As with the PC version I’ll continue to develop updates and improvements as suggestions roll in. The PC version has had over 40 updates so far and this version benefits from being a lot more feature packed and mature than the original v1.0 of that release!

Also, if you’ve drawn maps on the PC version then you’ll be pleased to know that this version is 100% compatible with those files, so you can carry on where you left off, or transfer them back and forth, etc.

Thanks :-)

o! that looks mighty great indeed!

I have so many pieces of paper with maps of forgotten lore stored away… with this they could be digitized and I’d free up space :)
And I might dare venture into more dungeons :)

Wrong thread. But this looks awesome - grabbing now!

Thanks, I’m glad I made a mobile version as running games full screen is a nice benefit. Android is still quite new to me so I hope to make improvements that make it more useful over time. For example, today I will be looking at adding a ‘share’ button which will hook into Dropbox, E-Mail, etc.

I’d love to make iPad (and Mac desktop) version someday, but I’m at the disadvantage of needing £1,150 worth of Mac products to even get started :-( Feel free to write a stern letter to Apple about providing a PC based tool-chain for iPad ;-)

Grid Cartographer v1.4.2 now available: Enjoy!

You can now put labels directly onto the map. Better for role playing!

PC Changes:

  • PRO: Note editing toolbar.

  • PRO: Map Labels. Toggle a note into a label with the ‘label’ option on the note toolbar.

  • PRO: Added Close button to the note toolbar as a mouse based alternative to <ESC>

  • PRO: Map labels added to export (if View > Labels is enabled).

  • ADDED: View minor grid lines toggle.

  • ADDED: Click outside of the start / new-map dialog to dismiss it.

  • ADDED: ‘Eraser’ text label on toolbar.

  • ADDED: Additional information, when importing, about how custom tiles are divided into full color and tinted monochrome.

  • ADDED: Help text information about Ctrl+<Return> shortcut to quickly add multiple notes.

  • CHANGED: Theme change and zoom in/out now allowed during note editing.

  • FIXED: Stroke option on toolbar now only works with a valid marked area. Edit > Stroke menu unaffected.

  • FIXED: Excessive blurring on VDU theme.

  • FIXED: Undo to before a custom tile set was imported now clears any selected custom tile from the ground brush.

  • FIXED: Not absorbing clicks on the toolbar in note mode - causing the note cursor to move.

Android Changes:

  • Added: Label tool for putting text directly onto the map.
  • Added: View minor grid lines toggle.
  • Added: Momentum to menu scrolling.
  • Added: Single column menu mode for narrow screens.
  • Added: Additional information about how custom tiles are divided into full color and tinted monochrome.
  • Changed: Increased to map version 5.