Grim Dawn - An ARPG from Crate (ex Iron Lore aka Titan Quest devs)

Went through all my equipment, got resistances up across the boards and I can cast like crazy and never run out of mana. The boss that guard Log’s entrance I took out with ease, who I had to kite a few hours ago. I was doing well against Log, only in that he wasn’t killing me. I ran around for 5 minutes trying to take out adds, but I just wasn’t doing enough damage and they were building up quicker than I can kill them. Log part 1 was down to a a quarter of his health, but there was so many deathguards and tentacles crowding the screen I could barely move. Back to the drawing board.

Sounds like you are close and could just use a bit more aoe. Maybe something from devotions?

Anyone see a bug where your pet is still alive but it just stops moving? My briarthorn has just sat there at least 3 times now. Its still casting its buff and is doing its idle animations, but it will not move. Teleporting/leaving the level does not help. Not a big deal by any means, re-conjuring it fixes it, but its a hassle in a fight. It has only happened since I started playing ultimate.

I cannot beat the ultimate Chthonian nemesis. Its chaos attack is just too strong. I am in dire need to boost my resistances, but I am not finding much in the way of better equipment to do so. Still only in Act 1, but I haven’t gotten any good drops so far (at least that I can use).

I’ve hardly used pets, but don’t recall that being mentioned on the forums, so not much help, sorry.

Yeah, I did a search and couldn’t find anything. Seems strange. I should probably create an account on their forum and report it as a bug.

You still playing Misguided? If so what are you working on?

I’ve been distracted by Battleborn the last week or so.

Gamsutra looks at how Arthur Bruno got Grim Dawn made.

Bruno says he was able to apply the feedback he was never able to act on while working at Iron Lore. Since he was working off the code base for the same game, he was able to update many of the general concepts, he was able to finally take feedback his former bosses on Titan Quest had strictly forbidden.

“On Titan Quest, one of the owners was really opposed to having blood and gore in that game–they wanted to keep it E for Everybody," he says. "The result is you hit enemies and there’s no hit animations—no blood spatter or gore when you kill them. We kind of went nuts adding all that stuff to Grim Dawn.”

It’s funny saying they went nuts with the blood and gore, because outside of the areas where the cultists are, there doesn’t seem to be any more blood and gore compared to any other games of this type. I couldn’t even tell you if blood spurts from enemies or if there are cool death animations, and I have played this game a lot. (That probably says more about my observation skills more than anything else.) But, the cultist areas, and the lore that goes with them, are pretty over the top. Of course, I still don’t notice most of it.

Today, Crate posted that mod tools are still on track for release by the end of the month.

Mod tools are now available.

The Hidden Path added.

New Content: The Hidden Path. Venture down the elusive route taken by the followers of the Witch Gods and discover the secrets known only to their most loyal servants. Your journey begins near Lower Crossing, but requires some Dynamite.

The Hidden Path includes a wealth of new lore, 5 new bosses, a new dungeon, 3 new Monster Infrequents and 7 new Unique items.

Lots of patch stuff too.

It’s a pretty brief ride of content, nothing too fancy, but not bad for a quick few months. The bosses themselves aren’t all that spectacular and I’d hoped for a bit more from them, unfortunately. Perhaps they’ll be more interesting in Elite and Ultimate but none of them had anything all that notable in the way of new play. It’s a nice little tide-me-over as we await the expansion, but you can complete it in about an hour if you spoil yourself on where to find the content (which I did because the in-game prompts to find it aren’t exactly… helpful.)

That area confused the hell out of me when I found it pre-update. It looked like a door, but I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to open it or find a secret passage. IIRC there was even a quest that mentioned the area. So good that it now has a purpose other than just looking like a door.

I jumped in the game briefly last night, but in my ultimate game I am not that far, and everything is too low level in Elite to go back. Probably won’t get back into the game until there is a real expansion.

Oh, so this game has been released already… rather disappointing that I got no notice for my early (August 2010) backing directly on Crate’s website. According to their forums I now have to submit a request to Humble (!?) in order to get a code for GOG, and then I’ll actually get the game. This hoop-jumping does not exactly encourage early backing of projects.

Perhaps an email got eaten by the Spam Filter Monster?

Unlikely, I always check my spam folders (it’s a personal site account, not Gmail or the like). Has any early Crate backer got an email?

Now I tried to get a code from Humble which involved “resending” my download pages even though I didn’t realize I had any with them, then setting up an account (no I didn’t have one). Then I clicked on the button for GOG but could get the full game only from Steam anyway, even though I went through Humble to get the game from GOG. Completely fucked up.

Humble lets you gather all your various humbles in one simple page if you create a login, it isn’t too tricky to get working, and its kinda nice to see it all there in the end. some of it is only available on steam though, so I’ll have to click the buttons to go there. Still, it works.

What is the verdict on this? Is it worth the price that Steam is currently asking? I quite enjoyed Titan Quest and Diablo 3 though I did not play either to death. Once I completed the campaign I saw little point in playing through the same story and same areas with simply harder enemies.

Do it, it’s great. Even if you don’t want to just play against harder enemies on the same toon, there is tremendous build diversity to explore.

Of course if you decide not to jump on it right now and still want a ARPG fix, don’t forget to try Path of Exile for the can’t be beat price of free! ;)

Victor Vran and the Van Helsing games are also going for a steal during the Steam sale as well. Both pretty great ARPG efforts.

I’m mostly staying away since I never liked Titan’s Quest. I figure, same developer, probably meant to have similar appeal.

Path of Exile, on the other hand, I can attest is excellent. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s free.