Grimoire - It has Begun

Just don’t gaze long.

If Cleve starts posting racist stuff on Steam, won’t Valve have to consider pulling the game? Could get interesting.

Yes, we’ll have to see if he can constrain himself.

That is perhaps a more interesting question than whether the game itself is any good.

What are the Vegas bookies saying the odds are relative to one another: the game being good vs Cleve restraining his wonderfully inclined impulses?

Yeah, it turns out that the automated log output of the 0.001% Brainpower Algorithm he runs to solve game design issues in the background is just vitriolic racism and saxism, cout’ed straight to the nearest terminal-esque text box, e.g., a forum post.


It seems that he’s trying real hard to be reasonably professional. He saves the good shit for the Codex. Actually he’s even toned that down a bit.

Just to be clear, Cleve claims to believe that he has latent Neandertal DNA which expressed after a life event and completely changed his physiology?


That is correct, sir.

Is there a reason he hasn’t gone to Johns Hopkins for the advancement of science?

If he was indigent, he likely would have been committed a long time ago. But he has money from somewhere.

He does not believe in “melonhead” science. That is to say, sapiens are full of crap. Sapiens being us. A lower life form that killed off most neanderthals by ganging up on them.

Edit: It bothers me that I know so much about Cleve.

Edit2: It bothers me that I have trouble spelling ‘it’.

But how can he know he has Neandertal DNA when it was cro magnons who discovered DNA to begin with?

Sorry, I should probably stop…

It’s because Sapiens are subconsciously drawn to the awesomeness of Neanderthals.

There are times that Cleve writes seriously funny stuff. If he focused he could have a career in fiction. Then he goes on a bugshit crazy tangent. There is no way of guessing which Cleve you’ll get, post to post. That’s the draw. It’s a roller coaster.