Grognard Wargamer Thread!

Turn Fourteen, Late 1781

Force Adjustment Phase

  1. His Majesty government sends Viceroy Kane nine pounds, holding one back because his treasury was too full from early 1781. Viceroy Kane is charged with holding Virginia.
  2. A daring British Raid successfully captures Thomas Jefferson! Loyalty increases by 3 in Virginia (to 10), and 1 in every other colony.

Smugglers Phase

  1. Smugglers attempt to crowd into Long Island Sound, but are stopped by the British cordon.

Naval Phase

  1. The French Navy, fearing hurricanes in the Caribbean, relocates to Boston Harbor.
  2. Arbuthnot shadows the French Fleet. Admiral Parker deploys to Cape Fear, and Admiral Howe and Vice Admiral Graves deploy to Delaware Bay.
  3. Masterful sailing by the Royal Navy eliminates 3 smugglers, clearing both Cape Fear and Delaware Bay.

British Ground Phase

  1. A prisoner exchange results in the return of 2-2-2 Continentals to the Rebels in exchange for 1-2-3 Loyalists to the British.
  2. The British deploy the 1-2-3 Loyalist to Philadelphia.
  3. The British retreat two Hessians and the Mohawk unit from New York to Pennsylvania. New York loyalists are furious, and loyalty is reduced to 1. One of the Hessian units is lost on the march, and returned to the force pool. Another Hessian moves to the Tidewater, reducing New York loyalty to zero.
  4. No Battles this turn.

Place Rebels Phase

  1. The Rebels deploy two Committees of Safety in Virginia, one in Southside and one in Hampton Roads.
  2. Rebels deploy Light Horse Harry Lee (2-3-1) in the Connecticut Coast and a 2-2-2 in Nova Scotia.
  3. The Rebels deploy 2 2-2-2s in Hudson Valley in New York.

Second Battles Phase

  1. Battle of Nova Scotia: The militia comes out in support of the British (3-5), and the Rebels manage to walk into a trap. The Continentals are eliminated.
  2. Battle of Southside: The Committee of Safety in Southside is badly outnumbered (2-7) and eliminated by loyalist militia.
  3. Battle of Hampton Roads: A Committee of Safety attempts to assault the Fort in Hampton Roads. They are also outnumbered (3-8), and are easily eliminated.

Rebel Campaigns Phase

  1. The Rebels launch a major Campaign in Virginia. Unfortunately, Washington is busy leading Rebel troops in New York, who are not yet ready to assault the final Hessian unit holed up in the River Forts. The Rebels deploy a 2-2-2 and a COS in the Piedmont, starting at 3-3. The loyalists have the militia advantage, and the Rebels attack at 4-5. They roll on the 65% table, which results in a counterattack by Hessian troops. The Hessians take no prisoners, sacrificing the lives of loyalist militia to root out the rebels (Ex result). The Rebel Campaign is over.

Logistics Phase

  1. The British use naval transport to move the Cherokee forces to New England and the 3-3-4 Redcoats from New England to Carolina.

Liberty Phase

  1. The British control Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, which is enough to keep Liberty at 5.
  2. Loyalty goes down one in New England, New York, and Pennsylvania (to 8, 0, and 12, respectively). New York would go down by 2, but it is stuck at zero.

Random Events Phase

  1. Loyalists in Carolina massacre Rebel sympathizers, resulting in outrage. Loyalty -2, to 10.
  2. Arbuthnot and Parker are diverted to the Caribbean, leaving only Graves and Howe to contest the sea lanes.

Parliament marvels at Viceroy Kane’s defense in Pennsylvania and parts south. While New York and New England seem like they may ultimately be lost causes, Virginia and Carolina—with their valuable cotton and tobacco crops—appear to be secure. Parliament will send eight pounds to Kane, enabling him to sortie his naval forces and build his units. Britain may yet be able to hold on to a chunk of the Americas.