Half Life 3 confirmed

That’s what the UK mail-order site Special Reserve is reporting–evidently based on a report in the Swedish magazine Gamereactor. Not a great many details, but a few.


Of course, as the piece notes, this only makes sense. Given that Half-Life 2 is (barring further delays) just months away (EB says July 1), naturally Valve is working on 3 as well.

But it is nevertheless nice to see the words in print. :)


Actually, for me it isn’t. I wish sequels to popular games weren’t necessarily gimmes. I would rather see a good development team plunge their resources into something else, instead of more of the same, and ultimately inferior product.

Exceptions that come to mind (in console games at least) is when they wait long enough to toss the game into a new generation of systems, thus automatically rennovating it. For PC games, I’d like to see that effort go into anti-cheating devices. You know, lasers and stuff.

Even those are getting to be gimmies, and not always welcome ones. Nintendo, if I remember correctly, for a long time tried not to fall back on just rehashing old franchises, and they’re still far from the worst offenders, but the Gamecube has seen a lot of First Party Title > First Part Title 64 > First Party Title Gamecube Edition transitions, and a lot of them are decent but chipping away at faith in Nintendo as innovative as they’re less and less phenomenal than their predecessors.


I just thought it would be funny to use this thread for this news.

Marc Laidlaw has left Valve.

Valve was truly at the cutting edge of fucking over gamers who trusted them enough to buy an unfinished story. Like all Valve innovations, it was widely imitated.

Humor, in the eye of the beholder.

This would have bothered me more if there wasn’t a plethora of amazing games in my backlog with even more coming in 2016 (and that’s just the stuff I know about). It’s hard to get worked up over any one game, for me, these days. Four or five years ago, when there were maybe 4 or 5 games a year I was really, truly interested in? Yeah, this would have really bummed me the hell out. It’s still not great news, of course, but it’s not going to ruin my morning or anything.

I work a few floors above Valve. Once ran into Gabe in the elevators. They have about 6 floors of the building. God knows what they’re doing.

3 of the floors are snack rooms and knife armories.

It was a good time to retire. With HL3 shipping with the Vive later this year, it’s the perfect curtain call for his career.

With all the time that has passed and gamer’s expectations raised to almost worshipful levels how could the actual release of HL 3 ever meet them? Especially since we are no longer in the era of authored single-player corridor shooters. If HL 3 was released now I bet it wouldn’t share much DNA with its predecessors.

Probably would be a free MOBA with gun skins, hats, and lots of case drops. And more microtransactions than combine soldiers. ;-)


I read the retirement news earlier today, but I have to admit when I saw this thread, part of me still hopes this was happening and Valve announced HL3 for the fun of it.

And then I went dissapointed again, for #451

They’ve got to keep the hats somewhere.

I pictured an entire room of CSGO crates with Gabe in the corner fiddling with some pristine stat trak gut knife while people file in and hand him cash to open up a crate and walk away with rusty butter knives.

I’ve given up on HL3. It’s been so long that I only vaguely recall what was fun about the series. And honestly, most of that was from the first game. I have Fallout 4 until XCOM 2 is released. That will keep me for quite a while. I just don’t miss HL.

I treat Half-Life like Quantum Leap. Great show, but the ending! Oof.

It always kind of surprises me when I see Half Life 3 rumors pop up. There is nothing holding Valve back from making a new episode or full sequel, but they choose not to. Clearly they’ve moved on from Half Life, we probably should too.

And anyway, what would HL3 look like at this point? First person shooters have also moved on, and while there’s no reason a hypothetical update wouldn’t have new mechanics and such, in my secret heart of hearts I’d be just as happy if they turned Half Life over to somebody like Telltale to finish the story.

MachineGames would be my pick. They knocked Wolfenstein out of the park.

It feels like they’ve moved on from making single-player games entirely, really. Valve exists to support Steam, Counterstrike, DOTA2, and TF2.

That’s a hell of an idea, Telefrog!

Maybe just let JJ Abrams have it.