Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

So long as players continue to download Harpoon databases and scenarios, there will be others to create new material.

It would really be nice if MNO was a successor to Harpoon. Unfortunately, so many of the successful features common to Harpoon from 20+ years earlier are missing. Sadly, MNO has tried, but fallen far short of their goal to succeed Harpoon. It really is a shame. All the necessary information for the creation of a great modern naval wargame was already mapped out for them. MNO chose to ignore all the hard-won lessons and followed the cheapest and least user-friendly route possible. Now, they reap what they have sown. Maybe they will completely re-design their user-interface and incorporate some of the 20th century features into their game. Until that day of jubilee, I suspect that MNO will continue to limp, gasp, and wheeze through every ‘patch’, like a six-cylinder engine with only two functional pistons.

Some of the former Harpoon scenario designers such as Gunner98 have continued their work from Harpoon and made scenarios for MNO. He was a decent Harpoon designer, so I trust that his works will translate fairly well into the new medium.

Herman, the only discussion that has occurred in this thread was between the two of us and even that only came about because I too thought this thread was spam-y. I felt that way two years ago and nothing has happened in the intervening time to make me change my mind. I only wound up in here again today because of the unpleasantness in the CMANO thread.

Even worse, I feel responsible for this thread. I’m the one that initially suggested you take your Harpoon scenario updates out of the CMANO thread and put them somewhere else. Little did I know that we would get two years of non-discussion updates. Foolish me.

This type of narcisstiic behaviour is seems quite common for MNO fans. Unfortunately, it totally ignores the contributions and visits by others. Regardless of your participation, there have still been over 4,000 visits. I suspect that most of them simply came to grab new scenarios and database updates. We make it as easy as possible, with direct links to download files. No commentary or response is necessary, if they are simply enjoying the game at their leisure.

I couldn’t agree more.

Wow, the only thing that post is missing is “you people”.

And you are personally claiming to be the single individual who has visited this thread 4000+ times?

That’s not what…I wasn’t even…sigh…nevermind…

Naval Warfare Junkie

Life can be a hard and bitter thing Herman. Take good care of yourself.

I’ll certainly be following your most excellent example.

The joke’s on you here – I’m not a fan. I found the interface obtuse and the performance miserable. I’ve fired it up all of once. Honestly though, I think it’s been about 10 years since someone pulled out the “Hey, this thread has X views so it must be teh awesome!” card – so congrats on that.

The problem is that you’re just so intent on your self-righteousness that anyone attacking you for being a bit of a dick must automatically fall into the ‘MNO’ or apparently worse, ‘anti-Harpoon’ camp. Talking with you is like talking with a creationist: attempts to engage you or even call you out on behaviour is rebutted with insults and you subsequently mindlessly repeating ‘Harpoon!’ in an exaggerated child-like voice from your pulpit.

Yup. Thanks for the confirmation. Looks like you got your $80 worth.

Actually, the joke’s on you for publicly admitting that you are attacking another member.

Don’t you see the difference though? Others have been and are critical of it, they just don’t take it to the obsessive levels that you do or be a dick about it. You have been harping on the mno folks since back in the harpoon days. IIRC this all really started as some pissing match over a db or scenarios. Fucking let it go already.

Of course, I see the difference. I do not throw profanity or call other members names while criticizing games. I stick to the facts under discussion. If others cannot discuss a game without resorting to personal attacks, that is not my problem.

I think what people are trying to communicate, is that what you are doing, is akin to dropping into a community’s living room, dropping a few magazines about your favorite pastime, and leave again, without saying a word.

People feel it would be more awesome if you stayed, and said “hi”, got a cup of coffee and joined the discussion.

Anyways - while I have no interest in hardcore sims, I dont think we are running out of digital space, though, for what its worth, so I see no reason to discontinue your thread.

I understand the sentiment, but I visit many various fora. I do not post if I have nothing to say. I do not post messages just to increase my post count or self-validate. I simply visit, read, and leave, probably much like the viewers on this thread.

If someone responds to this thread (or various others like it around the interweb), it is usually to report a problem; and I work/test very hard to see that this rarely occurs. If they simply Download the scenarios and play (as I suspect), I never need to hear from anyone. I know that our scenarios are played because I can see the steady stream of Downloads.

I agree that there is virtually no limit on the digital space, which is why I remain baffled as to why Qt3 is the only forum which has raised this as an issue.

I get excited every time I see this thread get bumped but it’s always because of new scenarios or whatever. I wouldn’t mind if this and the “Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations” threads were locked. They’re both effectively spam.

I like CMANO a lot but they’re no better than this guy. They just drop in only when a scenario pack or patch has been released. Lock them both I say.

Imagine Steam wrote a bot that posted patch notes to a discussion thread here whenever any game was patched through their client. This forum would quickly become useless as a place to discuss games. It would just become a catalog of patches, and you might as well visit the official developer forum for that.

You are like that bot. You scope is more limited, but not intrinsically more useful.

That is incorrect. I post, read, and monitor the forum. If someone needs help, they get it immediately, as recently occurred on another update thread from the interweb. And, even though it turned out to be user-error, I was able to provide support as soon as that user needed it.

We always think of the convenience for users. We make it as easy as possible for everyone to play our materials, including providing it at a location where they gather. Instead of forcing fans to find and chase us, we bring it to them, which probably the reason behind our decades-long success.

While visiting, I read about the Stellaris situation as well as Game Journalism from Tom Chick. Although I have nothing to add to those discussions, my personal knowledge base is increased. Therefore, I posted no messages.

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping.