Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

Certainly, not the way you did with your message, I could not agree more.

That’s why I decided to refrain from posting a message. I had nothing to contribute. Of course, there are always those who lack self-control and post drivel to increase their sense of self-importance. Luckily, I am not one of them.

You’ve got a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection plus the killing jar. What do you do?

I give him a link to your message and teach him that, “This is your future, if you do not change your ways.”

Ok, now this thread is going places!

Your hypothetical ‘bot’ is probably preferable to some members; at least the bot would try to simulate intelligence. :)

He’d make a good agony aunt.

Just make it a condition that for every update he posts he has to respond to a life dilemma of one forum member.

These could be pre stocked in ‘Helpful Herman’s Hermitage’ or some such.

Would be quite funny I reckon.

Given the level of angst displayed by some forum members, a lifetime’s supply of ammunition has already been provided. However, one should never refuse such kind offers, as there is no such thing as too much ammo when hunting varmints and other vermin.

As there is no such thing as bad publicity, thanks for bringing more eyeballs to the game (even if your only presence in this thread is to throw insults.)

Dimitri’s a CMANO dev. He’s helpful and civil.

…and just drop in only when a scenario pack or patch has been released

I daresay you’re not winning any friends here.

From people who can only sling profanity and call me names over wargames?

Those are the types of friends one can do without. No loss, whatsoever.

Give him time lol

Birds of a feather, et al.

Isn’t this that Japanese game where the ships are all anime girls?

No, but that could be part of a B-52 crew in the game: pilot, co-pilot, EW officer, and navigator.

Is it dino time for this thread?

Here’s an idea. How about the lurkers go back to lurking and the regulars stop replying to this guy.

What a grand idea. Just let those who play Harpoon read, update their scenarios, and play the game in peace.

I didn’t believe this was a thing so I Googled “Japanese game where the ships are all anime girls” and the first hit was a Kotaku link. Ugh. No thanks. The second hit, however, was a Wikipedia entry for something called Kantai Collection:

Each of the characters are moe anthropomorphisms of World War II naval warships which are depicted as cute girls, known as “Fleet girls”. These personified warships are based on real-life vessels which are explained in detail within the game; the physical characteristics, appearances and personalities of each of the girls correlate in some way to the real-life vessel (for example, ships with a larger displacement tonnage are usually depicted as older girls with more mature bodies, while smaller ships look younger and have less developed figures, with a few exceptions).

If this wasn’t a free-to-play web browser game in Japanese, I would have wanted to try it. True story.


Don’t feel sad, Tom. Just abandon your fantasies of dating Ms. Yamato, and go the ground-pounder route: