HBO Max - Recommendations and Exclusives (as of 5/23/23: Just Max)

The sad fact is the grifters, as insane as they sound, rely on griftees that are 20x worse.

There are levels of youtube grifters with smaller audiences who are far more extreme than Alex Jones. He’s like a starting point for the crazy. What’s sad is that some admitted they produced fairly normal content and didn’t get noticed, then shifted to slightly more extreme stuff, started getting more hits, and before you know it they are crazy as a shithouse rat.

The algorithm and engagement drive content and people to weird places, when the only important metric is how many views you get.

Perry Mason is back with a second season. Anyone watching it? I loved the first season–it really felt like 1920s oops, early 1930s LA must have felt. I figured the pandemic had killed it like so many other shows.

Check the Perry Mason thread. We’ve been posting in it.

I did a search and the last activity in it was from way back. Does it have Perry Mason in the name?

I loved season one - just finished it last week. Looking forward to season 2, although will wait for it to be all out before diving in.

The last post was 8 days ago.

Thanks. I found the thread by going to the category and just scrolling.

I wish the search function would show a “last posted in” date without having to actually open the thread link, though, because it was listing posts from mid-2021 at the latest, IIRC.

100-Foot Wave is getting a second season in a few weeks, which is a pleasant surprise.

— Alan

Not 100% clear on what this means as far as actually watching these shows. For example, Tubi aired the new The Nevers episodes on their linear channel which meant you could only see them at a specific time.

The deal is for VOD with ads I believe.

— Alan

Why do people pirate our shows?!!?

The big rebrand has been announced. It’s just Max, now. HBO has been dropped from the name because fear it was both diluting the brand and also scaring away people who hate prestige television.

Also, they’ve been announcing a ton of shows and trailers. There are threads for some of them, such as Harry Potter. And I made threads for The Regime and the new True Detective. But here’s one that doesn’t have its own thread yet. One of the showrunners is the director of Oldboy, and it has Robert Downey Jr, and Robert Downey Jr, and Robert Downey Jr…

Buried in the news is that you have to pay $20/month to get 4K, which is something that comes with the no ads version of HBO Max now.

"You know how we have a reputation for some of the best and most ambitious shows out there? What if people actually don’t like that? What if we instead use a different much more generic name to attract people to our platform! " - A person who is way richer than they deserve to be.

Remember when they cancelled all the “Max Originals” for not being HBOey enough? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

That can’t really be a thing. Is that really a thing?

Not only that, the previously-high tier now only allows 2 streams at once. I get HBO Max free with my AT&T Wireless subscription. I wonder what happens to that.