Hearthstone - Blizzard's F2P Digital Card Game

Scrolls has been scratching my CCG itch, but after watching Totalbiscuit’s video I went and applied for the beta.

lucky you guys with the beta draw :)

I think you get gold from achievements as well…

So far, my impressions are very high. It’s definitely not as complicated as Magic – no instant-speed spells, far smaller limit on card text, smaller decks, streamlined mana management.

Yet the game still feels great to me, and I’m a frequent MTGO player used to higher complexity. It moves fast, still has plenty of dynamicism and decision-making. The loss of instants actually keeps the pace very high, since there’s no stack and no response opportunities on your opponents’ turn. Overall, I feel like I’m making a lot more decisions in Hearthstone than Magic over any amount of time, and I have yet to feel any meaningful decision paralysis where I need a minute to think things through.

Mechanically, they draw on concepts from the Cryptozoic WoW TCG. Units have persistant damage. Units attack individually, once each per turn, and can attack enemy heroes directly by default. That model leads to far fewer stalled board states.

Don’t get me wrong – this won’t be replacing Magic for me. And it remains to be seen if it can hold the attention of experienced TCG players after a month or six. But so far, I was pretty impressed.

I’m looking forward to exploring Arena mode tonight.

I didn’t really have high expectations for this game, but after watching a few streams and videos of people playing, my mind has definitely changed. I really want to play and see what it’s all about firsthand. If anyone has an in for invites, please send one my way :)

I’m really enjoying this so far. Managed to go 7-3 in my first Arena run, which got me another free run, a bit extra bonus gold, a gold (foil) card, and a free booster. Not to mention a couple hours of fun gameplay.

I really like how they captured the essence of a draft tourney, but without the need to block out 3 hours. You can drop in and out whenever you want between games. Some awesome creative design going on there.

Hardest battle I had was Rogue versus Priest. Lost about 8 games in a row before finally winning one.

Nice one from PA.

Ha ha. I’d love it if their were card drops in WoW, as long as you didn’t have to raid to get them.

That would actually turn me off from the game. Though it would be okay as long as I could still get those cards normally I guess.

Problem with drops in WOW is that there is no trading in Hearthstone (if I recall correctly EQ2 had drops of Legend of Norrath cards and Legend of Norrath could obtain gear cards so could trade back and forth - or something like that).

Got in a couple of days ago. I had a hard time turning it off last night to go to bed. Very addictive and I could see myself buying packs. So far I have resisted the urge.

If by anyone gets an extra beta code (as unlikely as it is) I just want to point out it is my birthday today (I really have no shame).

Put me in the “Didn’t give a shit in the least when it was announced, but after seeing some gameplay I’m actually interested in trying it” camp. So long as they don’t go to skeezy with the free to play stuff or WoW/social networking/some shit integration (And they will eventually, they’re Blizzard) it looks like a fun little card game. After seeing Scrolls in action I lost interest in it completely, but since this is more of a regular card game I’d definitely give it a whirl. I also like that there’s apparently no trading, and you can craft cards so you can theoretically make a beeline to cards you want for a certain deck, or just roll with whatever you get from boosters and grind up your duplicates.

Actually went to the trouble of un-fucking my b.net account (Was locked behind a long-lost authenticator) so I could sign up for the beta.

Just got my beta invite. Looking forward to seeing what’s changed over the last couple of years.

Blizzard/Battlenet KNOWS I am not playing WOW or Starcraft 2 etc…makes one wonder if betas are only given to the GOOD Blizzard children.


I don’t know, if I was Blizz I’d want a mix. All you don’t get as someone who doesn’t know the lore is a few of the voice emotes.

(e.g. if you play Illidan when you’re fighting the Druid, who is Malfurion, he says “Hello Brother”)

I just cleaned up my bnet logins and added the beta to my preferences. Here’s hopin’

What is the free to play economic model look like? Do we know? Is it sinister or reasonable? I am not sure if I could get into random boosters again, and really hope there isn’t some kind of energy/ time per day to play mechanic.

SolForge is neat, but this game looks right up my alley. Between this, the excellent looking Scrolls I still have yet to try, and the outstanding CardHunter this is really a great year for CCG’s, eh?