Hearts of Iron 4 announced

Overview of the 1.6.2 patch (which is available on the beta branch):

How many factories did you have dedicated to making fighters? In my last playthru I did last night (and lost lol), I only had ~1,200 available.

It’s tough to say exactly, but prior to the war I was probably dedicating 15-20 factories to fighters and after eight months of war, that number is probably up to 40 or so.

The proper thing to do would be fix China. They coded in an issue where none of the Chinese countries will make units. They just stockpile the infantry weapons to infinity, but won’t actually do anything with them. I’m not sure if victors get stockpiled goods, but if they do, when Japan takes over the Chinese nations, they get a massive extra boost in weaponry they should have, making the Asia situation worst which could contribute to India always falling. Japan does not end up supply constrained by infantry weapons because they get a bunch of freebies.

That is exactly the guidance I needed. Last night I tried to do it with just 1,000 fighters and it was the worst game I’ve played in a while. Did you get far down the air doctrine line before the war? Which air doctrine line did you choose?

Also I might have missed it (if so sorry about that) - but did you remove the support artillery from the starting infantry division template?

I have to have a procedure at hospital in an hour so will have some downtime for reading in recovery :)

Where are you seeing this? My google fu wasn’t able to find people discussing the issue and I wasn’t able to find it in the compiled bug thread on Reddit.

I definitely kept the support artillery in the starting infantry template – it’s crucial! I just added to it.

I’m not sure I even started the air doctrine tree prior to the war starting. If I did, I didn’t make it beyond the first node. I think when my war kicked off, I had a total of 3000 fighters (many of which were of the old interwar model) spread over the Baltic, Eastern Poland, and Ukrainian air zones.

Good luck with your hospital visit!

I taught myself how to mod the game over the last 3 days and while trying to fix the issue by adding forts and adjusting the OOB came across this as well.


Cool, I’m zeroing in on what went wrong. I went with wrong fields of research. I went with too many civ factories. Did not have enough mil factories pumping out units. Everything else I got down. Have the entire Soviet focus tree memorized now lol.

I’m still surprised you got all those forts built with so few civ factories.

You know there are people who recommend going to 200 civ factories before doing anything else? I tried that one game. Ended horribly.

Switching to war economy gives a substantial boost to available civilian factories. I didn’t even consider mentioning that when building civilian factories, I was quoting the ‘available’ number. My apologies! Once I switched to war economy and got the bonus factories from Finland and Eastern Poland, I think I wound up with something like 70 available factories before trade.

I didn’t even consider looking at the total civilian factories. My brain just thinks, “Okay, you have 33 factories with which to build other stuff. That’s the number you work towards.”

I did war economy ASAP and setting up those associated options is no problem.

Just 33 free Sicilian factories? I still can’t get over you get anything done with that few.

I think I figured out where the problem is! :D

Haha typo. In case not clear, I meant 33 Sicilian factories for building stuff.

What is going on? I think ghost in my keyboard. CIV factories. How does iPad think civ should be spellchecked to Sicilian lol

Well once I had war economy, I had 60ish to play with. Mostly though I didn’t build much other than military factories. I built 4 or so full radar facilities, a few bits of strategic infrastructure, and otherwise just that line of forts – and the first level of forts are so cheap as to be almost free.

Turns out that the attack into Romania worked well. The Italians had no manpower to reinforce and the Romanians, although well-equipped, couldn’t match my numbers. It wasn’t long before this happened:

That’s 102 infantry, 7 mountain, 3 armoured, and 2 cavalry divisions that are about to get wiped. 59 of which are German. The war is going to be over in a matter of months.

That is quite the encirclement.

Patch note highlight for me:

  • Nationalist Spain will not lose the “recovering from the Civil War” national spirit in historical focus mode, thus preventing them from joining the war

I found it kinda grating that in Vanilla “Historical Mode”, the only way to stop Spain joining Axis was to make sure Republican Spain won the Civil War. I guess someone finally agreed with me!

Just to keep my version of the USSR march going, I present the Polish Pocket of The Great Patriotic War:

That will be 229 divisions wiped out between the two pockets. Germany is on Scraping the Barrel and has 0 manpower. Italty has no manpower but is only on All Adults Serve. Ironically, Hungary is going to be the toughest nut to crack overall.

But they still firmly control the air. Joke’s on them.