Heat 2: It’s Getting Hot in Here

Hmmm, did Ferrari get him enough capital to do Heat 2, a movie no one is asking for? I’m guessing not. I’d lay odds this never happens.

Still, I’d prefer a Heat 2 to another white male mid-life crisis masquerading as a biopic.

Picture this — it’s Heat, but with an all-female cast. Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett across the table from each other, at odds by circumstance but sharing a small piece of humanity together.

Heat 2: Heat Hotter

Which one is more likely to chew on some scenery? I’d love for one of them to yell at, say, Helen Hunt:

“And he’s got a b-- GREAT DICK! And you’ve got your head all the way around it!”

Let’s get Mia Goth in there as the hothead with the itchy trigger finger.

Just finished the book. It was terrific. Multiple time lines, great heists. Can’t wait for the movie.