Help Design Duke Nukem 4 Ever!

Yeah, “Folks” really made your post better Peter.

To be fair, he did add that paragraph break.

Duke who? ;)

Wait, so am I the only guy who thinks humanoid pig cops shooting civilians is a good idea?
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with that.


despite all the negative spin people put on 3DR/DNF, those same individuals will be in line the day it ships just like the rest of us… :twisted:

I thought 3DR wasn’t actually developing Prey anymore – a third party’s doing it. I found the old thread with the link to the Shaknews article to check, but my work’s proxy blocks it…

I agree with those posts by Peter, the son of Olaf. After eight years of 80-hour weeks developing this thing, I’m sure the gang at 3dR is pretty tapped out and just need a little infusion of creativity to finish it off. It’s genius, and it allows them to follow in the mold of the Half-Lifes (Lives?): make it look pretty and add some clever scripted events, and you transform a run-of-the-mill shooter into a game that makes the gaming press be all like “Oh Em Gee Doublyou Tee Eff Barbecue! 99 out of 100 editors agree that this is the best game that has ever been or ever will be made. And the one editor who didn’t agree is just disagreeing because he’s trying be too hip for the hype. It’s sad.”

Folks, I agree with those posts by Peter, the son of Olaf. After eight years of 80-hour weeks developing this thing, I’m sure the gang at 3dR is pretty tapped out and just need a little infusion of creativity to finish it off.

It’s genius, and it allows them to follow in the mold of the Half-Lifes (Lives?): make it look pretty and add some clever scripted events, and suddenly you transform a run-of-the-mill shooter into a game that makes the gaming press be all like “Oh Em Gee Doublyou Tee Eff Barbecue! 99 out of 100 editors agree that this is the best game that has ever been or ever will be made. And the one editor who didn’t agree is just disagreeing because he’s trying be too hip for the hype. It’s sad. SAD LIKE A FOX!!!”

Gravy, do you really this the inclusion of “Folks” makes the post that much better?

To be fair, though, you did include the paragraph break.


Folks, lol

edit removed paragraph break

There is the theory of the mobius, a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop where time becomes a loop

You share in the profits of every dollar we make, on the games you ship, as long as you are employed here.

Much better.