Help find me an RPG from the 1760s

Didn’t Frederick the Great play RPGs? At least proto-RPGs/wargames for sure!

I am deadly serious about this. In 8th grade my history teach said Frederick was addicted to RPGs. It’s an exact quote!

Computer role playing games weren’t really around back then, it would have to be some early version of Dungeons & Dragoons.

Maybe RPG means Really Puffy Garments or something? It’s possible, isn’t it?

This is usually the game people talk about as the proto-RPG / wargame, though sounds like it’s a bit after what you’re talking about. Probably same lineage?

RPG or Wargame? Because Kriegspiel were definitely enthusiastically played by his descendants - Fredrick Wilhem and his children/grandchildren - a half century after his death…

There are some people trying to pull that type of gameplay into the present, kinda bonkers.

I always heard it was H.G. Wells that invented wargaming. Did he teach Frederick the Great??

I think Dingus would approve of your post, @rhamorim. :)

Has anyone mentioned Populous?

I like to think so, yes. ;) Thanks.

I’m sure they meant rocket-powered grenades!

I don’t know about Wipikedia and that timescale, but Frederich 2 and his playing of games of war and pretend at Sanssouci were a popular theme of philosophical discussions of my dad, something he’d always bring up when I would show him my strategy games. I doubt it’d be apocryphal, given the general disdain for games in European societies.

Edit: paging @Navaronegun just in case, because it seems to me he’d have a much livier RAM than me on the subject matter.

They had some badass boss fights in those days.

This joke thread needs more “no, that’s not quite it” from the OP.

Those aren’t 18th century costumes/props are they? At least the last looks like it belongs in a Wagner opera.

You rang?

Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments.

It’s probably one of those ugly modern take on the Zauberflöte, given the Queen of the Night proheminently featured. Everything needs to be Wagnerian nowadays, somehow. Thankfully, audio recording don’t have inflict that kind of ugly imagery.

And this thread was a joke? oO

Kriegspiel is basically the forefather of all RPGs.

But yeah, didn’t come until later.

It didn’t come out of the blue though, but I guess the earlier forms had much more in common with chess than with our wargames? I confess I never actually took interest in what they actually played like (if you still have the rules, please make a pdf of them).

From the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica:

Screen Shot

– John Cage