Help me pick my next hyperfocus sandbox/open-world shooter

The first one was an all time great action game for me, just so much fun. I bought the second one but it was broken as hell at the time, did it actually get fixed? Might necessitate a revisit if so.

Any game with Bruce McGill automatically gets bonus points from me.

I don’t remember Mercenaries 2 being broken, but I played in a 360 so the experience may have been different. The main thing about the two Mercenaries games that trips me up when I try to go back is that gas and brake are mapped to face buttons, not the triggers so it’s analog. Weird.

Also I love the way Peter Stormare says “nuclear bunker busters.”

I toyed with both and didn’t find either problematic.

I loved Mercenaries. The Deck of Cards for targets to kill. The Hitman disguise aspect when you hijack a faction vehicle. The sheer variety of heavy ordinance on call. Sneaking into the prefect position then dropping glorious explosions. It was great.

Maybe I just think blowing stuff up is way way more fun than shooting people. Easily times 10.

Damn shame the first game never made it to PC. And sorry for the thread-derail.

Oh man, I’m glad someone went there.

I haven’t played it in ages so I couldn’t say how well it holds up, but it’s a buck and a half on Steam right now, and I’m pretty sure it’s worth that much!

JC2 was one of my favorite sand box games ever. Just exploring all of the areas it gave you, dropping in on a base or factory or city or town and raising all kinds of Rambo mayhem. I never came close to finishing the game, I think I was only at about 50% when I last played. Hated some of the escort missions, follow this guy, basically any arcade type mission. Just wanted to free form and it really let you do that. Tried the follow up Just Cause games and they just didn’t have the same magic.

JC2 is also greatly enhanced by the Bolopatch mod. It gives you unlimited (and unbreakable) grapples, which greatly enhances the total chaos.

This one?

Yup, that looks like it. I used a way earlier version (which I don’t think had all the same options), but the infinite rope and strong rope options are what you’re looking for. So damn good.

I remember trying to do entire missions using nothing but the grapple. Mostly, it worked.

So all this fussing and @Supertanker is just going with Far Cry 6 because it’s on sale? :)

A couple people suggested Far Cry 4, so I figured I’d see what people thought about #6 since the base game is $15. Ubisoft games are pretty formulaic, which isn’t necessarily bad, but sometimes they get a good batch & sometimes a bad one.

With all the suggestions, I’ve probably got 5-6 years worth of ideas so far. :)

Ubisoft games are pretty formulaic

I use the Tom Chick-coined term “Ubistuff” in real-life conversation and other gamers seem to understand it intuitively.

I’m not a zombie guy either, but I really enjoyed the game. And it’s currently on sale at GMG for $14.52.

Days Gone looks pretty cool, if I ever get a PlayStation it will probably be the first game I play. Or maybe Ratchet and Clank, then Days Gone.

I feel I’m missing something. Why not play the PC version?

Days Gone is big fun. Ignore the dumb ass story and just ride around killing zombies.

My PC is not a triple-A game playing machine.

Thanks to this thread I remembered I have a Ubi+ sub for some reason. I think it was a Gamepass promo? Anyways, it made me play FC6 which I bounced of off when it was released but I now enjoy immensely.

oh - what has changed? I Did the same, and I really LOOOOOVE Ubisoft games normally.

Probably was just burned out on the formula. This time just story mode and mayhem.