Help me pick the best management/logistics/empire building game thingy that is out now

I think Factorio is good, and it really ramps up when you start to automate the previous steps in the processes. However, for me it is too much focus on the process and too little on a narrative of the process. I miss a why for my really elaborate production chain, and that makes me lose interest, even if the process in itself is (or seems?) really deep.

Thanks everyone for the talk about Railway Empire, I might have to pick that up. Looks neat!

Fun fact: The version number of Dwarf Fortress represent the percentage complete towards the overall roadmap. The current version is like 0.44 or something. So per the developer, the game is 44% complete. It is certainly fun, but this isn’t a game you wait to play until it is complete. His roadmap I think has another 16 years to go.

Factorio/RimWorld/Parkitect all scratch similar, yet slightly different itches. You can’t go wrong with any of them, and all 3 is not unreasonable.

if you like solving problems, Factorio is as good as it gets.

If you are, hurry, because it’s on sale for around $7.50 today only (11 more hours).

Here: Railway Empire Steam Key for PC and Linux - Buy now

The Steam key for this worked for me in the U.S. (paying in PayPal easily took care of the pounds to dollars thing).

Thanks for the heads up. That is a great price.


Sooooo… Parkatect - I can’t figure out how to connect a depot to the supply location. I put the depot behind some shops, start running the pipes from it to where the guys are picking up stuff to take to the stores, but no matter where I put it, it doesn’t seem to connect the two.

Any tips?

Hmm its been a while but I ran into this. I think they start and end underground? I recall I had the height wrong somehow but when I adjusted it actually linked to the depot and drop off office.

Yeah, it looks like I missed the little tube outlet on the depot and the supply area. Very finicky getting it connected.

I have a hard time connecting the depot center too. Watching videos of the process it seems like it is suppose to auto connect but I can never get it to work.

Two issues: One, you have to get the right depth and it’s picky. Two, you have to zoom in and find the little outlet/inlet tube openings on the depot center and the supply place.

I didn’t see “Rise of Industry” here (I believe still in late early access lol)

I wondered how that was. I loved ol Transport Tycoon.

I’ll try and link it.

Yeah I suck at that. You get the idea.

Here is a link to the game and there is a link to the demo on the Rise of Industry product page.

So has anyone tried that one? It looks serious.

Yep its still in ALPHA needs more FUN added to it.

Official thread this way: Rise of Industry

Parkitect is much more of an actual management game and simulation where you really need to… well, manage :D
While Planet Coaster is extremely light on the simulation side. When I played Planet Coaster, it was really just “make things look the way you want to, it’ll work anyway”, which I did not find very motivating.

Don’t forget Parkasaurus!

Has anyone tried Megaquarium?

Wondering that too. It doesn’t look like it would have enough depth.

Yes, me too! The game is extremely unsatisfying in this respect. There’s no reward outside of your CAD design work.

I bought Megaquarium when it came out, and there’s a thread on it… The setting is great, and it is a management game, but I stalled out on the campaign around mission 8 or 9 (of 10). Did not feel it had a lot of challenge once you worked out how the upgrade paths went and with a large crowd of people on screen my computer bogged down pretty hard.