Help, my wife knows all my passwords!!

It’s not as traumatic as it sounds as I don’t have anything to hide from her (really) but it’s disconcerting as fuck. I’ve just spent the past half hour deleting my saved passwords from her iPhone Chrome app. I think it must have happened when I logged her into my computer on Chrome so that she could get into Google Classrooms or something. But is that normal that if someone were to log into their google account on your Chrome browser that all of your saved passwords would then be transferred over to their account? My wife has been complaining lately that all of my Amazon search history is showing up in her Amazon account. What did I do wrong? Should I have opened up an incognito tab and then logged her into Chrome in my computer? Or should you just never let anyone log into your browser? Is there some kind of setting that I can set to make it so that Chrome doesn’t just throw out my passwords to any Tom, Dick or Jane who happens to come along?

I just always click “Never” when Chrome offers to save a password for me and thought this was standard practice, like avoiding an extended warranty.

Don’t use browser password managers. Look at something like 1Password for Families instead.

I think you can turn off sync when you log into a new device, but then you might need to figure out how to get passwords you need on that device. And of course, the devil is in the details. I’m not sure if you can do this on mobile for every browser.

I second @Mellified suggestion about password managers like lastpass.

Used LastPass for a few years, liked it.

Switched to BitWarden early this year, it’s even better and free.

You’ve logged into Chrome using your account. That’s expected to happen when you log into any Google site using Chrome. Just sign your account out of Chrome (“Settings”, then click on the account name to bring up the list of all accounts signed in, then click on your account, then “remove from this device”).

Your wife knowing all the passwords. You say it like that’s a bad thing. But If I were to drive into an oncoming trash truck, I would want my wife to be able to log onto this site to tell you guys how much I loved you all and thanks for all the fish. Likewise some other things and the bank and stuff. Isn’t an essential part of marriage trust?

I’ve got a lot of recovery and access instructions in my documents to be read on death. But I’ll be danged if I let my wife favorite a comment I don’t like on Metafilter the day before that happens.

(I better make sure everyone knows this is a joke.)

My wife has no interest in logging into my gaming forums. I’m concerned though that if she lost her phone someone could log into all my stuff. I can control not losing my own phone but I can’t control hers. I’m not logged into her Chrome at all. I’ve checked the list of accounts and mine isn’t on there.