Heroes Season 3

As I said when this show started. If you have a character that can effectively obtain limitless power you are already driving with one wheel over the abyss. If you have two or more of them (time travel future versions!), watch out.

I don’t understand why people get upset at stuff like this. It isn’t like everyone in the world is related and/or has powers, just the people on the show. Why is it odd that the show would focus on people who will end up being connected? Maybe that’s why they are the focus?

One thing that annoyed me was that yet again those of us without the time or inclination to read every web comic and watch every “webisode” started off the season in the dark about why some things were happening and what had happened with some characters between the end of Season Two and now. Or maybe the show really was just that disjointed at the start and none of that was covered in the web materials…either way, I still feel like I’ve missed something important.

I will say it started off a lot better than Season Two and has the potential to once again get on the track it was on during the best parts of Season One. I’m not thrilled with how nobody seems to ever really die in the show though, and I swear if Linderman turns out to be a BSG Baltar head-Six type character I’m going to stop watching. Suresh and Maya are pointless (for now) and annoying, but Larter’s new/old character could be interesting, at least until they reveal that it’s just another personality. Where’s Micah?

As usual, Hiro and Ando make the show. They should just do Hiro and Ando stuff, and make all the other characters lesser players in the main Hiro/Ando plot. Seeing Ando with “sith powers” was awesome, though I’d have suspected his power would have been more like the Golden Guy or somehow porn/sex related. =)

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Please, keep her around. The actress who plays her is smokin’ hot. As a compromise, they could put her in a sound proofed containment cell, preferably in skimpy clothing.

Ditch Claire, already! Or at least give her something interesting to do besides get all angsty and whisper angrily at people.

I think that’s the limit of her range.

This show needs Tom Chick as a regular, preferably with some absurd power.

Wait, Heroes has a serum now that you inject into yourself and it gives you superpowers? The fact that no one mentioned The 4400 yet means you probably didn’t watch it, which means you deserve Heroes.

Yeah I was really hoping against hope that Sylar would actually kill her, even though I knew deep down that there was know way that would happen.

Man, people mention The 4400 in every Heroes thread. Nobody watches it because nobody wants to keep track of that many characters.

Was it just me, or did the serum just turn Suresh into Jeff Goldblum a la The Fly?

The 4400 had some pretty cool ideas, and it was ambitious, but goddamn it was poorly acted and produced. Heroes sends chills up my spine, even now. The 4400 tried to do more mindblowing stuff, but the fact that everything they did was so obviously low budget and amateurish really hurt the show for me.

He must have absorbed that from Suresh.

If Mama Petrelli has the dream power, then what was Shaft’s power?

With Suresh’s super strength, my guess is that he will be punching himself in the face this season.


Yeah, I can understand that. Plus nothing ever happened until the end of an episode, and nothing big ever happened until the end of a season. But at least things changed.

I watched it while doing some other things. Seemed like there was a lot of restructuring going on.

During the “Countdown” there was a scene with Mama Petralli, Syler and a hero with the ability to read items. Can someone recap that little scene and what happened? Last I saw was Mama Petralli walking out to screams.

Things that amused me:

(1) William Katt cameo (nice soul patch);
(2) Misspelling of “discreet” in subtitles (when Hiro refers to his “discrete” private investigators);
(3) Nikki (?) praising Nathan for being elected to Congress “from the most populous district in the state” (Congressional districts are apportioned so that they all have similar population).

(2) Misspelling of “discreet” in subtitles (when Hiro refers to his “discrete” private investigators)

Well, it wasn’t a continuous set of PIs, so maybe that’s what he meant…

I agree with all of this. It’s like Season 3 is comprised of really bad fan fiction and they’re just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. I thought Claire’s soliloquy on what it is to be human was beyond heavy handed and really quite terrible. “But I WANT to feel pain!” Huh?! I also think that having Peter (the real Peter) disappear at the beginning of the season, again, is annoying.

I enjoyed the Hiro & Ando plot, but that’s pretty much it. And this is coming from someone that actually enjoyed Season 2!

Nah, they need to lace her bones with admantium and give her claws. Then she can start smoking cigars and calling everyone “Bub.”

I thought the premiere was meh to bad.

I’m really annoyed that Sylar got Claire’s power. The focus of half the freakin first season was on preventing that from happening - now it’s a throwaway thing. No big deal!