Hey guys, I need help identifying a movie

Don’t heap all the credit on me. Your memory for small details was amazing and crucial!

No one will guess this movie because I barely remember anything about it. I saw it on TV once in like 1993 at a friends sleepover.

It felt like an early '80s possibly '70s movie. The main character who is a nobody…maybe had dirty blonde hair. He knows martial arts and he goes through a dense jungle and through a secret temple full of deadly traps at some point. Indiana Jones type shit.

Hard no. Total whiff.

King Solomon’s Mines starring Richard Chamberlain? It was a mid 80’s Indy rip off very loosely based on the novel by H Rider Haggard

What was the really horrible one, the only scene I can remember is the main Indy-like character is playing “try to stab me in the hand” somewhere that felt SE Asia-ish, while fondling a hooker’s nipple with the other hand? He gets distracted, shoots his hand across the table, the other player stabs, but manages to only stab into the space between his fingers.

Jungle Raiders?

Heh, for mine that’s a couple of steps below. It was just a B movie, that’s barely a C.

Oh, and you were thinking of Allan Quatermain, same source, different title.

This was probably a D movie that is impossible to find. Although it was way more…somber than the suggestions here. It didn’t have bombastic explosions or anything. It was a quiet movie…

No I am referring to King Solomon’s Mines based on the novel of the same name. Allan Quatermain is the title of its sequel written by Haggard. If you were referring to the movie, perhaps it goes by a different title internationally? But that was its US release title.

“King Solomon’s Mines is a 1985 action adventure film, the fourth of five film adaptations of the 1885 novel of the same name by H. Rider Haggard . It stars Richard Chamberlain, Sharon Stone, Herbert Lom and John Rhys-Davies”

Hmmm. Maybe Treasure of the Four Crowns?

No, but you might have just found the next one that popped into my brain. I remember snakes coming out of some sort of obelisk, and it was definitely 3D.

17 posts were split to a new topic: Remember when Robert Altman made a weird Popeye movie???

New one, 70s or early 80s, kind of a body snatcher thing, there was this movie where there were dog-sized snail things and they would split open, and their guts looked like a bunch of spaghetti in mucus, and they had wavy head snake necks. Anyone? Might have actually been Body Snatchers, it has been a long time.

It’s definitely not the Philip Kaufman Body Snatchers, although there is a freaky dog-sized dog in that movie.

Do you remember anything about what the dog-sized snail things were doing? Invading earth, attacking a spaceship, inhabiting sewers? What else do you remember?


Very much an end-game thing where they were just out in the fields, like zombies, in an otherwise normal 70s street/park setting. Hell, this might just be a nightmare from my childhood, but my main recollection is normal people hitting them with an axe, thus the spaghetti ooze, and also avoiding them while traveling because they were hanging around on the lawn. Slow Snail Spaghetti Szombies.

The Puppet Masters had slug like alien things. But it was in 94 according the the internets. I recall watching it but not much more.

Was it that alien buddy cop film The Hidden? That definitely had gross spaghetti creatures.

Wow, that was absolutely not the movie I was looking for but a movie from the period I don’t even remember and it looks pretty awesome.