Hey, how can I get Discourse to do X?

Muted threads don’t appear in the main forum listing, but will appear in the latest posts summary of a category. Feels like they should be in both or neither.

“New” means the topic was just created. “Unread” only shows topics you are tracking with unread posts. Latest shows everything you haven’t muted, which catches topics you aren’t tracking but that have new posts.

A lot of the fancy live updating and rich tracking comes at a performance cost. To keep stuff speedy the system has a HARD limit on total new topics in the system, globally.

The site setting max_new_topics is set to 500 out-of-the-box. If set to say 100,000 then every topic in the system can be a “new” topic BUT… this would come at quite a high performance cost.

See posts like this is why not having likes is bullshit, man!

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Latest puts the work back on me to remember at which point the stuff that’s happened since I last visited the forum becomes the stuff that I’ve already looked over. As I think I mentioned above, I thought that I would end up using Latest, but there were some suggestions to tweak the preferences to try to get out of New/Unread what I had in the New Posts page on vBulletin. What I didn’t know was that there was a third category of threads, old threads I didn’t read with new posts that don’t show up on either (and again, thanks for the explanations).

And if I’m coming across as complaining about the functionality of these pages, I’m most definitely not. It’s just the functionality of New/Unread isn’t intuitive from my perspective, so I’m trying to understand how these pages work and what they’re intended for. New makes sense now, but I still think Unread is a bit confusing, as there are posts in those threads that I have not had an opportunity to read (or not). That I need to somehow tag those threads in order for those posts to be considered unread to me is just a bit strange. I can certainly understand the performance issues in play though.

I’m sure I’ll adjust to using Latest. I spent years using a terrible system of visiting the main category page, opening every category in a separate tab, then scrolling through every category listing picking out threads to read (again in separate tabs). Finding the New Posts page was a bit of a nirvana-ish moment (as forum browsing goes), and it’s just a bit disappointing to lose it.

I will say pasting in those screenshots from my clipboard was one of the coolest things I’ve done on a forum in a while though.

This was a nice post describing a problem I was having but the server ate it. I’m so bummed.

I was getting a message as I tried to post that said the forum was in read only mode or that interactions had been disabled. WTF?

They’re still ironing out some migration bugs and put the forum in read only mode for fixes and updates from time to time.

thanks @Clay.

Even worse, I selected everything in the editor window and pressed “Crl + a, ctrl +c” (on windows 10) but then when I went to post, somehow only a small portion of what was in my message made it to the clipboard.

Like, a single line?

Does that happen often?

No amount of going back and forth in the browser helped me to get my message back.

I’m generally enjoying the move to Discourse, but I’m finding myself lost a bit. One problem I’m seeing is with threaded posts. Sometimes I’ll click to open a threaded post, and if it has two or more replies, I see the replies and the replies are from two different posters, but then the screen automatically refreshes (or something) and I see that what had been two replies from two different posters, is now a single reply from a single poster, but it’s duplicated. Weird.

If I collapse the threaded portion of the post and reopen it, it goes back to multiple posts from different people. Have you guys seen this sort of thing?

I tried Dark Reader, an extension to Chrome and I must say I am really impressed with this extension. It allows so much control - ability to control brightness, contrast and level of sepia-ness. And the best thing is that it seem to be just affected the text and background and so the avatars remained in full colour. I really like it a lot. Here’s a screenshot of the UI for controlling how dark and bright you want it. Perfect for Discourse!

Another good feature. Font over write. So for those who wanted Verdana, you can have it.

Is there a way to get to the Quarter to Three front page from the new forums? I used to just have one browser link to the forums, and I got to the front page from there. Now, clicking on the eyeball just takes me back to the main forum page. I suppose I can just bookmark the main page too, but it would be nice to have a link in the forum.

It will be added soon. It’s on the to do list.


We should have a FAQ. That question about a link to the Front Page and many others such as Night Theme, etc have been reoccurring for far too many times.

I know we have a thread “Migration Changes & Enhancements” and even a few other topics as well but maybe “Migration Changes & Enhancements”, which is stickied, has to be re-titled differently. “Frequently Asked Question on Discourse - Look Here First” maybe?

We do have a FAQ, it’s the OP! :)

LOL! and yet, we see people asking the same question again and again.

But you’d never know that, unless you have read the whole thread, which I doubt most people just getting here have the patience to do. If you just jump in here with the intent of posting a question, without spending a ton of time reviewing the thread-so-far, the FAQ bit doesn’t show up. Even the “first post excerpt” that you see in the forum thread list doesn’t mention it. A search would turn it up…if you search for exactly the right thing, which we all know is a bit of a crap shoot on the Internet. I’m not saying it’s great behavior, but it’s understandable why we keep seeing the questions.

Or if you add a note at the top of the first post to mention it’s a FAQ.

I agree that once you’ve visited this thread, you can easily lose sight of the fact that there’s a FAQ here. Is there any way to put a link to the FAQ in the title of this post? That way, when you’re scrolling down, and the title of the post is gigantically at the top of the screen, you’d see the link. Just spitballin’!

Is there a way to mark a forum or perhaps all forums as read?

My guess:

Click on ‘Unread’ view.
Filter by the forum you want using the left dropdown (only do this if you’re not marking all forums as read)
Click the… Dismiss All (or whatever it’s called) button on the right side of the screen).

Or as @wumpus put it so elegantly in post #2: Hey, how can I get Discourse to do X?