Hey, how can I get Discourse to do X?

Right, and when they’re actually updated or someone replies to one of those posts, they’ll resurface to the top.

No way to specifically remove them from the top 3 list in the category view though.

Oh, perfect, thanks guys!

No offense to Stardock, love you guys, but I seem to be unable to mute the Ashes of the Singularity thread. I set it and it pops back to normal the next time I go into the thread.

I think you can even click the pin graphic on the category page?

It’d be nice if, on mobile, there was a quick way to see the title of the thread you’re in. If I open up mobile Chrome and see I’ve still got Qt3 loaded and in a thread, I’d have to manually jump to 1st post, then manually navigate to where I’d left off…

Yes, @sam was just remarking about this yesterday. We’ll add it to the 1.7 list at https://meta.discourse.org/c/releases

Did you try clicking the tiny pin icon next to the topic name on the category view?

Very much this. I put it in the Migration Changes & Enhancement thread. And if @sam is fixing it for mobile, how about Larger font please?

Hey @wumpus: Someone just posted a reply in a thread I have posts in, so I received a notification about it. The post had a spoiler almost at the top - and the notification popup on my PC must be text-only, since in the notification the HTML is not interpreted, so you see all the tags, etc, so the spoiler was (halfway) shown to me.

That seems like a bug. If not a bug, then consider this a feature request to strip out spoilers in the notification, since it seems like a bad thing to show.

I agree completely! Tag @wumpus when you come across issues like those.

Normally I would like your reply to let you know I had seen it but here is your obligatory response because no likes.

Can’t like that either.

throws hat on the ground, stomps on it


Does image pasting not work on shitty old Windows 7 IE11?

you can Like using keyboard shortcut (whistle!), not sure if you will be notified, though.

Seems to be browser dependant for example, I can’t paste image on Safari (Mac OS) but I can using Firefox (Mac OS)

The standards, or lack thereof are quite frustrating here. Chrome and Firefox work and are tested (Firefox required lots of hacking)

See, for the full sad state of affairs.

Ok… I confess I haven’t read the whole thread, but I seem to have a problem with watching embedded youtube videos, so not sure if this has been covered.

When I click full screen on the youtube video, the screen “flickers” and the thread view jumps back about 30 comments and I’m looking at the text “a few pages up” and can hear the audio from the video. When I then scroll down to the vid and click full screen again, it does actually show the vid full screen! However when I exit that, I’m back 20-30 comments up the thread and need to scroll down again to find where I left off…

(using Chrome on Windows 7 btw)

Ooh, I was just experiencing that exact problem using Chrome in Win10. You described it better than I would have too.

Chrome, Win10. I experience this as well.