High Frontier 3rd Edition PBF/Vassal - Remember the Cant!

Yes, of course starting bid is 0, just in case.

NASA matches 2

UN raises to 3

Nasa Matches 3

UN passes (no one else can afford I believe).

Right, Josh and I only have 1 WT left.

And turn done, vlog updated. @Grunden goes.

In the file, it doesn’t look like you actually took the patent cards @Juan_Raigada. I’ll go ahead and move them to your playmat on my turn.

He did. You have to step through the file until it prompts you to start a new one.

Moved Catalyzed Fission Scintillator, Project Orion and Steel /Pd-Bi Pumped Loop to NASA playmat.

UN Turn Begins:

Research auction for In-Core Thermiotic Generator. Comes with supports Self-Cooled Reflux Tube and D-T Fusion Tokomak reactor.

Saving some steps, UN wins the auction for 1WT automatically.

Sunspot disk advances.
Event: Pad Explosion/Space Debris (no effect for anyone as no cards in LEO or bernals)

Turn marker advanced. Back to @JoshL for Year 2 Turn 1. VLOG updated.

Note: I accidentally moved the whole generator deck onto itself, so I don’t know if the log spam of that constitutes a spoiler of the deck contents.

As @Matt_W says, I did move the cards, but when opening a vlog file you need to click through the forward arrow to see the turn playing.

If you did move the cards, remember to take out the 3WT I paid for them (which I also did in my vlog :P)

Space Debris decommissions all of our crew cards.

Do you mind redoing your turn with the same event roll, just to make sure we all know how to step through the file correctly? (And so we don’t have that log spam.:)

Not at all. Doh on the advance part, I’d forgotten about that (been a while). Sure, I’ll re-do it.

We’re all a bit rusty, but it’ll be smooth sailing in no time:)

On this note, I’d forgotten about moving crew cards off the Bernal to avoid this. Oh well.

I’ll enact the slaughter on my re-done turn.

Logfile updated, now with more correctness (and death)!

I sell my reactor for 4 WT. vlog uploaded, PRC up.

PRC free marketed a radiator. @Juan_Raigada, you’re up.

Keeping with the theme, NASA free markets its radiator.

Over to @Grunden!

UN free markets a silly mass 4 radiator. That space debris really messed things up with hand limits, I was hoping to sneak another auction in.

Sunspot advanced, no event this year. Back to @JoshL!

Note: When it becomes important, UN offers use of it’s cycler as a standing offer for 1WT per use. Combat or claim-jumping against UN pieces will of course revoke this for the offending player.