High Frontier 3rd Edition PBF/Vassal - Remember the Cant!

Cards sell for the amount indicated by the current politics, right? So you can free market them for 4 at the moment?

Assuming that’s right, I’ll go 3.

That’s correct.

PRC passes. It’s your for 3 WT. Unless you have other actions you want to take, I’m happy to clean up after the auction at the start of my turn.

Don’t think there’s anything else I can legally do! So go ahead, thanks.

BTW, I like the idea of a screenshot of the patent decks when starting an auction. Makes it easier when not in front of Vassal.

Will do in the future.

PRC is researching the Free Electron Laser robonaut. Here are the patent decks:

Vlog is uploaded.
Starting bid 0 WT.

UN bids 1

PRC matches 1.

Well, that puts me out.

I’ll go 2

PRC matches 2

NASA bids 3

UN matches 3 (and notes to the air that NASA is going to be getting a fair amount of boost income early game, should that affect any decision making).

PRC matches 3.

UN Passes

NASA passes

PRC wins for 3. I updated the end of my turn with a new log file.

You’re up @Juan_Raigada!

Nasa researches the Catalized Fission Scintillator.

Patent deck:

PRC passes.

I assume your starting bid is 0?

UN bids 2