High Frontier 3rd Edition PBF/Vassal - Remember the Cant!

OK, I think everything looks good now:)

You could use your lost op to take income, since you’re not affected by the political regime.

Ok, considering I paid for that op already I’ll adjust next time I take a turn.

Argh, I never knew this rule before, but you have to have a human present to commit felonies. (I knew you could prevent felonies with a human, but didn’t know it was required to commit them.) I can resolve this by having boosted my crew along with my refinery for an extra cost of 1 WT. I’ll adjust the WT and mass of my rocket during my turn (which I’m working through right now.)

I guess it’s @JoshL’s turn for a screwup now.


I fixed everything, which meant I didn’t have enough WT for finao. Went ahead with my plan anyway.

  • I took off from UN’s factory and flew to Io. I rolled a 2 for the lander burn hazard.
  • Prospected, industrialized, and colonized.

@Juan_Raigada, I forgot to pay my colonist. Can you do that at the beginning of your turn? Nice job leaving your crew on Europa, fyi. I totally would have claimjumped that sucker.

You may commit felonies, but no one avoids their taxes!

Sorry, busy weekend.

I fix my stacks (you placed stuff on the rocket and not the Bernal) and:

Fuel the Bernal.
Move it one burn.
Do an income op and get the Space Venture WT for a total of 2WT gain.

Over to @Grunden

Ok, UN free markets their black generator for 10WT and then dumps exisiting fuel into LEO depot for another 2WT. Some record keeping, adjusting the M track for Matt’s new factory and collecting unpaid taxes (also the missed income op from my illegal 2x GW thruster build).

Then boosting the white side of the generator + refinery to LEO, paying NASA 1WT.

Event: Glitch. No effect as all stacks (including outposts) are all colocated with cubes or humans.

Back to @JoshL

NASA doesn’t get boost income until they either return their Bernal home or boost an ersatz one.

Ok, I took NASA’s boost income away, and flew around a bit:

Then, I don’t have a lot of options for what to do with my operation, so I’ll do an auction:

A thruster with two supports. Everyone is eligible to bid:
UN: 13WT

I bid 0. Intermediate vlog uploaded.

I’ll bid 1 to keep you honest (and for budget cut fodder).

NASA passes

Match 1

PRC passes

Okay I’ll pass.

Ok, I win for 1. @Matt_W up.

Hey, guys. I was a bit worried about that fact that I am going to try to prospect with my missile robonaut which requires one therm of cooling. I don’t have any radiators with me (I have been providing that one therm by afterburning for movement), but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do a prospect operation. I found this thread on BGG:

which seems to say that I can use the afterburn therm for prospecting; and not only that, but that I can use it the same turn that I use the therm for movement.

Does that square with your understanding? Can I afterburn to get the one therm of cooling I need for movement, land, and then use that same one therm again for prospecting?

I always interpreted open cycle cooling for use for movement only. But that thread seems to indicate it was explicitly said missile robonauts can use the therm in 2nd edition rules.

3E living rules makes it clear your interpretation is correct:

  1. Open-Cycle Cooling.[38] You can use afterburning to satisfy 1 therm of cooling for any component in your thruster chain used during a move or operation. Components cooled by paying the afterburning cost can be used for non-thrust purposes as well (e.g. combat, supporting a Bernal, robonauts).

Which means you can do it if the component was in the thruster chain (e.g. you used the missile robonaut to move).

Sweet, thanks. Now I just have to make my roll :P

I ET produced my generator again to power my rocket, then flew to Hertha and paid my colonist to factory refuel there.
