High Frontier 3rd Edition PBF/Vassal - Remember the Cant!

I’ll pass.

OK I won the auction for 0 WT.
Also paid my colonist to ET produce the new refinery and gain back my venture income.

And then I took the liberty of updating the scorecard. I’m pretty sure the game is clinched :) I think I can get another 19 or so points over the next three turns, but that’s not enough to win at this point, and he can try to move factories around to maximize his score. I’m not sure what you think Grunden. If you guys want to play out the last 3 rounds (mostly to figure out 2nd place :), I’m game, but I’m also willing to call it for @Juan_Raigada

Well we could finish out the year where I get six more points and get second :)

Hermes B to claim glory, releasing my freighter for another cube, and boosting ersatz bernal.

I want to finish up. It’s honestly two more turns.

I should get 8 more VP, and I don’t think anything can happen to stop that. I want to see what the final score would be, for bragging rights.

On that note:

  • Lose robonaut to budget cuts
  • Free market generator for net 2WT
  • ET produce thruster and reactor paying 1WT (other op is crew)
  • Get 1WT for V venture and 1WT for S venture (MAtt’s research op).

Over to @Grunden

I think you only get venture income for your own research ops

You are right, cards contradict rules. @Grunden can deduct it.


  • Rocket moves to to Hermes B and decomissioning refinery and Saving the Earth for 4VP
  • Crew free markets generator for 3WT

@JoshL for the final turn.

Three more turns. Two event thresholds after last future.

Oh, for some reason I thought it was next event threshold. Alas. Guess that means you’re going to get your 5 heliocentric colonies.


Well, I’m not going to get anything done. I promote my GW thruster! I can do that because Calypso makes my comet factory a lab.


I ET produced robonaut and refinery. Colonist pay offset by venture income.


  • Take out the WT I gave myself for somebody else op
  • Refuel Rocket
  • Fly to Bernal
  • Free market black card for net 9WT
  • Boost paying 1WT 7 mass. Get 1 WT back
  • pay 1Wt for a research op:


Nasa bids 0

Do not want. Pass.



there are only 2 V factories, so they should be 8VP each

PRC passes.

Yeah. We’ll have to doublecheck the numbers there.

I’m morally obligated to bid 5

That’s what I was hoping!

We pass

I have little use for money at this point.

I was worried I would waste too much and the final election would be in question

File uploaded.

Over to you, @Grunden