Hollow Knight - convince me to keep playing

I found two more vendors in Forgotten Crossroads. D’oh! I could have afforded all their stuff, but now I can afford none of it!

Sadly, I can’t find anywhere else new I can go with my current abilities, so I guess I have to grind enemies until I can buy things like the Key from them?

The dash ability is all you need to get to the next beat, no grinding necessary. I believe you should be exploring Fungal Wastes

Ah ok. The Fungal Wastes, when I went there, had this giant gusher of blackness that I couldn’t cross in one room where the map maker can be heard humming. So obviously I can’t cross that yet (I killed myself a few times trying to get past it). And in another room I thought there was basically unmakeable jumps and stuff. Like electrical things and spikes and other nonsense that made it impossible to get past.

But I guess if I know that’s where I’m going next I’ll go there again. Maybe I missed something. Which is entirely possible in areas where I don’t have a map yet.

I finally found a bunch of new stuff in Fungal Wastes, including the boss area. The wanderer warned me not to go to that fight without upgrading my weapon first, but I went anyway and died, of course. Oops. There went my two fragile upgrades and a thousand geo, unless I can get to that area (and out) again through all those damned spikes.

Still, I finally have a new traversal ability! Phew! Time to go revisit all the old areas again I guess.

Reading your journal I’m reminded this game’s exploration is soooooo good. Can’t wait for the sequel.

I think I’m officially addicted to it now. Right now I’m picturing in my mind all the spots where I needed to climb up a vertical wall and I couldn’t do it.

Those little crystal birds are insanely hard. They look like cute little birds but they’re the hardest enemy of the game so far. I’ve lost a lot of Geo just getting back to them just so that I can get my ass kicked again. How do you fight something that eliminate your ability to maneuver by spraying lethal crystals all over the ground?

I feel bad posting here after everyone else has already moved on. This is old news to you guys but man, the progression through this game is so well designed. Every time I run into a wall on not being able to progress, I think, well, I wonder if I can go over there now, and start my journey there. And it’s always a journey. It’s never close to the station. And when I get there, the answer is usually yes, you can go there now, and on the rare occasions where it’s no, I still find newly accessible stuff along the way.

It’s great, keep going! I gave up way before where you are now, but this thread is making me want to give the game another shot - one day :)

Don’t feel bad. Glad to see more people enjoying such a great game!

I like reading your updates!

I’ve been tempted to get it on PC and play it again.

Nah, don’t feel bad. Your posting in this thread is just keeping me pumped for the sequel.

One thing the game does over and over again is to trap you in new places. So you’re off exploring this new space, and you jump over things, and you jump down into things, and you can already tell, oh crap, it’s going to be hard to get back out that way. And sometimes you even find a bench in the new space before you reach a dead end, so then you’re really trapped. You really do have to somehow get back the way you came in, or keep dying and respawning at the new bench you found.

I’m still a bit weirded out that the game is so harsh on the player all the freaking time. Oh, don’t have enough places to spend money? Here’s a bank, you can totally store your money here and come back for it, we promise!

Hey, what happened to the banker? Where the heck is my money?

It’s often said about the Souls games that when you die, you feel like it’s your fault as a player, not the game’s fault. So if you get better, it wouldn’t have happened. With Hollow Knight it seems like the developers said, what if we turn that on its head? What if we kill the player repeatedly and make it feel like it’s our fault and not the player’s? And you know what, yes, it feels so unfair compared to the Souls games, but it’s also weirdly addictive. Maybe even more so than the Souls method. The sense of unfairness kind of acts as an incentive to keep you coming back for more.

Keep playing… There’s more to this.

Don’t! It’s got me hyped to put this on my list to play next.

So, this is interesting, the progression on these enemies. How did the game take these enemies that seemed almost insanely hard and made them trivial? By allowing the player to upgrade their weapon. I went to the crystal area after upgrading my weapon twice, and now, instead of 6 hits, they die with only two hits, and suddenly they are almost trivial to defeat, because I can hit them and kill them before they become a super-threat. So what seemed like a LOLWUT? enemy is now an easy enemy.

By the way, I guess I found the equivalent of a wishing well where you can just throw your money away.

I suppose this might be the type of game where giving away your money might earn you good things later, so who knows?

Of course, this wishing well is so hard to get to, the chances I’ll have any money left when I get there are incredibly low!

Got the Respect achievement. That’s right. You’d better respect this mofo. Hell yeah.

Nice, that’s a fun fight.