HOLY POO! That'll leave a mark!

How eerily similar. I also had super-high ASVABs, but I went with the 3rd lowest MOS. Infantry. I also jumped out of airplanes, too.

For those keeping score at home, the field requiring the lowest scores. Army Field Artillery. It doesn’t take too many smarts to be a cannon cocker or gun bunny.

it’s easy to lower the standards when you need more soldiers.

I scored 99 on my test, but went with Infantry Combat Engineer. Most people in the military at low ranks are indeed a bit on the lower than average IQ side, sadly that’s just the nature of the beast.

LOL, saw that coming.

I was gonna say pretty much the same thing.

You don’t have to commit to anything to take the test. My 99 didn’t mean I was going to actually enlist in any branch; it was just one of the options I (briefly, before I discarded it with great violence) considered.

Well hey, ya learn somethin’ new every day.

I can’t believe I just did that for… however long it took.

Section		# Questions	# Correct	# Incorrect	Correct %	 
General Science		25	15		10		60	
Arithmetic Reasoning	30	29		1		96.7	
Word Knowledge		35	33		2		94.3	
Paragraph Comprehension	15	15		0		100	
Auto & Shop Information	25	11		14		44	
Mathematics Knowledge	25	22		3		88	
Mechanical Comprehension25	15		10		60	
Electronics Information	20	8		12		40

Not surprisingly, I don’t know anything about Auto & Shop, Mechanics or Electronics, and I’ve apparently forgotten most science.

so… what was your final score?

They didn’t give one, I assume because you need other people to grade on a curve.


You know, enlisted people can go to West Point, too. You know, if they’re really good.

Yeah, the physics (sorry, “mechanical comprehension”) questions threw me for a loop. If they’d asked me those right after high school, no problem. But today, 20 years later, I no longer remember the gravimetric constant.

In the old days, I think you had to be really smart to be an artilleryman, because you’d have to calculate trajectories and adjustments using an abacus, a slide rule, and a book full of lookup tables. Damn computers.

My rugby club plays the Fort Sill Gunners, which is an important artillery school as I understand it. The last time I went up there for a game, it seemed to me that not one of the Gunners had all their teeth. And their Captain, a Captain, well . . . I’d be scared to be down range of his guns and would pray to the gods of firing computers.