Homefront The Revolution

I hate Far Cry. They seem repetitive and boring to me. I just can’t bother finishing them. So i guess i will pass on this.

I didn’t dabble much in the STALKER games, but I’ve really been enjoying this one.

I enjoyed Homefront more than I thought I would. As goofy as the premise is, it does a great job at making the player feel a part of an underground resistance, gradually gaining a better foothold.

I loved the STALKER games, I loved the Far Cry games, and I love Homefront: The Revolution (approximately in that -descending- order).

But none of those series remind me of each other at all. I wouldn’t personally make a purchase decision based on one person comparing it to Far Cry.

What if he were really good looking?

Damn. I had not anticipated that.

It has atmosphere closer to STALKER than FarCry, but gameplay loop of taking over bases is closer to FarCry than STALKER.

It is a great game though, and quite varied.


I picked this up for a pittance, as I love me some open-world FPS, especially with this sort of alternate history story line.

I refunded it after 59 minutes.

Why? Number one, bugs. Fell through the world trying to jump on something, once. Another time, looking at the cell phone, it hung up, and I could not put the phone away, or really move effectively. Had to alt+F4. Number two, I was really, really put off by the implementation of the whole game set up. Now, I’m not expecting hard-core realism, far from it. Hell, I love the goofy Far Cry games, and snorks in STALKER. And I can even put aside the “let’s not piss off the Chinese” thing with the laughable NKs as bad guys. But the weird mix of brutality in the cut scenes, utterly unbelievable and baffling depiction of the so-called resistance, and for my tastes lackluster look of the environment kind of killed it.

There’s the “let’s hide our base in a tunnel anyone can get to, because an occupying power that has the world’s greatest tech would never be able to tell that an entire resistance movement was hiding under the streets!” bit that got to me some, even though I can forgive all sorts of silliness on its own. But when you combine that with the tropes of buying one’s weapons (hey, we really need you in the resistance, but you have to steal stuff from the citizens to get money to buy your weapons from a guy who has all we need but makes us pay him), tossing the newbie into a frenzied firefight and chase/retrieval thing in a city (according to the story) you’re unfamiliar with, and have the first pre-mission mission be you walking from A to B through what looks like a whole cordon of security types and drones, who don’t even notice you, well, the atmosphere kind of tanked for me.

I could live with that, though, really, as I’m a veteran of these sorts of ludicrous settings, and usually like 'em. But the game itself, in addition to being buggy, was ugly as home made sin. IMO, of course. I found the city to lack character, the textures to be sort of flat and rather unattractive, the animations so-so, and the lighting meh. Worse, the developers decided that a dark red color for interaction prompts was a good idea, a color that for me at least is damn hard to see especially if I’m under pressure from bad guys or whatever. Visually, the game left me totally cold.

Gunplay was ok, though gun handling was slow, but riding the motorcycle was jerky and definitely designed for a controller. Indeed, the whole game screams console port to me.

I realize a lot of my reactions are specific to my tastes, but man, I was bummed. I really loved the idea, but all the parts simply didn’t work for me, from the pacing to the action to graphics, not to mention bugs. Sadface.

Yeah, I’ve several hours into it, and I was enjoying it until, for some reason, the sound decided to just stop working. It’s a shame, because I liked it a lot.

Minus the bugs, I probably would have stuck it out, as the genre appeals to me, but there are so many issues with this game.

Well I am only an hour or so in, and its been pretty fun. The feel of movement as you navigate the map is fantastic, especially for not having any parkour.

Compared to how movement works in, say, Dying Light, though, I found it super glide-y and not terribly satisfying, at least, on the PC with M+KB. YMMV, of course. Even so, sans the bugs I had, I might have kept with it.

I liked what I played of it all right, although the idea that our national public debt was the cause of our vulnerability to invasion was pure Gold Bug nonsense. And that somehow North Korea was going to pull it off was even more nonsense. The publishers were cowards for not sticking with the original Chinese baddies for the franchise.

Ab-so-frickin-lutely. The fact that the publisher avoided using the Chinese as baddies makes the point for them.

Well I am 8 hours into the game (see 1st screenshot), 2 zones cleared, if you try your best to ignore the mehhhh story and focus on inciting a revolution its a pretty fun game. The taking over of areas and watching them get populated by the resistance really scratches my upgrade the base itch.

Anything that involves the motor bike sucks, soooooo much on PC with kb+m controls.

Overall, no real bugs yet other than some people/fire/objects floating about. :p

Lots of 4k pics

The hacking is not horrible!

iirc it takes place in alternate timeline in which korea became a superpower and controls the tech used by US military…anything is possible in an alternate timeline like that.

Just seeing that screen kinda makes me wanna replay it, I love the oppresive post-apo Terminator 2-like atmosphere of this game so much. And that sniper rifle felt so god damn satisfying to shoot.

I lasted around 5 hours before giving up. Another example a team that simply didn’t have the people or resources to exacute an open world game well.

I enjoyed this much more than I expected to. I quite enjoyed the crazy setting and felt like I was party of the resistance. I just made sure i didn’t get caught up trying to do every random encounter that pops up.

That was my favorite part.

Yeah the sniper rifle is great!

I am a bit further in, now in the collaborators yellow zone area…

Look what I found! @tomchick , now I see how they secretly influenced your review!

Moar 4k pics

This game does the best glow sticks!

This is how you analyze tech in the future.