How big is your backlog in gaming hours?

Joking, but how big is your backlog in gaming hours terms? I think I could clear off every game from my list in 1-2 years if I dedicated myself to the task and spent ~20 hours per week playing them. Steam says I own 90-some-odd games, and I’ve completed maybe 35% of them. (Some games don’t count, or would be impractical to reach anywhere approaching 100% completion. There are even some I can’t play for technical reasons. Also note, I don’t play many repeatable 4X/sim games or multiplayer. Most games I play have a beginning, middle and end.) If I finished a game every 2 weeks on average I think I could clear the list or most of it in a couple of years.

I will never play all my games. I have over 600, but that includes free Epic Store games, some free GOG games, and all the indie games I’ve gotten in the $1 and $2 bundles. I also have a few Humble Monthlies.

How long?

6,000 years.

240,366 years – I am hoping for a starship for some time dilation. And that’s just to finish AC odyssey

(I hired a guy to run those numbers btw)

What is the job title, “Gaming time analyst”?

From the link above.

3580 continuous hours
149 days,4 hours,19 minutes

Or I can

So that’s actually what Vinraith does for a living!

It’s longer than you think!

5084 hours…

…and that’s just Steam.

“389 continuous hours”

Not as many as I feared.


Oops! Doesn’t include or modding.

Does this just count he game you already bought, or those in your wishlist too?

I’m guessing not the wishlist.

Yeah because otherwise…that number would be higher.

And how are they defining “complete?” Are they taking the average hrs per game played?

I mean, I have 2,500 hrs in AoW3 and about 700 in PF, and arguably neither are complete.


SteamLeft takes all the games in your steam library and compares your playtime for each game with the amount of time it takes to beat that game. Then it adds up all the differences to give you the total time in would take to beat all the remaining games in your library. These numbers are just rough estimations, but it is a fun figure to think about.
SteamLeft was made in a weekend (give or take) by two guys who have too many Steam games. Data on game time is taken from Random facts about what you could be doing in your free time instead of beating your Steam library were taken from all over the internet. Be sure to see them all!
SteamLeft is being continuously updated with more facts, better features, newly-released games, and continued dismay at the time required to beat out Steam libraries. If you’d like to help ease our pains of webhosting or just buy us a cup of coffee, please consider donating.

I have short times on a few recent games, but mostly I gave every game I installed a fair shot. I think.


Oh wait, it doesn’t care how long it took YOU to beat games. It gets all its data from another website.


Still not sure about the specifics.


That isn’t counting the games I have on GOG, UPlay, Origin, Epic, etc…


I’d better up my FIRE game.

I guess every healthy industry has its whales. (Gaming is doing well. Not d0med. Predicted “indie crash” never happened though there is a ton of churn.)

In this time you could… watch the entire Harry Potter film series 714 times.

The last 4 movies are in my dvd-collection backlog too :)