How Cold is Cold?

Yeah… you haven’t really experienced cold until you’ve tried to start your car and your clutch is too frozen to budge. That happens around -35 or so.

When you live in a climate where it typically ranges from 30C in the summer to -30C in the winter, ‘cold’ becomes an extremely relative term, although if I had to pick a specific temperature, I’d probably say around -10C.

I’m from the South, so I don’t know what cold is. I know I’ve never had it here. On the flip side, anything over 70 is unbearable.

I figure if it could eventually kill a person who’s in their undies, it’s cold. So I picked 30, almost went with 40.

I grew up in California and probably would’ve called it cold if it was below 40°F. After moving to Boston, I’ve come to realize that the (including wind chill) 30s, 20s and even the 10s aren’t all that bad, so my answer today is “under 10°F”

-10 C is when I put on what I consider to be my “winter” coat. Before then, if I can walk outside with needing a toque, it ain’t cold.

Yeah, 10°C on the coast feels way colder to me than -5°C in Edmonton. A little wind and fog and it’s probably worse than -20°. Which is why coastal BC has the lowest lost person survival rate of anywhere in Canada.

Or when your spit bounces.

Or when your farts congeal.

I choose below 10°F.

I live on the Minnesota/North Dakota boarder and I’m only 70 miles from the Canadian boarder, so yeah it gets cold here; but the worst part of the weather is the wind, I live in a totally flat area with absolutely no hills.

But on the other end of the spectrum I think anything above 70°F is hot.