How does Plex work (for dummies)

Has anyone noticed the new TV Guide in the Live TV section of plex? It’s beautiful! It looks just like the Xbox OneGuide on the Xbox One.

I love it. It still has some kinks though. I used the interface on Apple TV to set it to record the Amazing Race. I went to my PC after it failed to record the first episode, and the error apparently was that it didn’t have access to that channel? What? Anyway, there has been an update since, and I updated Plex server, and the next week it recorded the Amazing Race episode just fine, so maybe whatever problem it had before is gone now?

Anyway, I did become a PlexPass lifetime member last year so I was always hoping that they would radically improve their LiveTV guide. I’m so glad to see that they have finally gotten there. Well, almost.

Just in case: