How many times, if any, have you been stung?

I have been stung by bees twice. Both when I was a kid. Once in the back of my knee and once in the back of my neck. Sneaky bastards. How about you folks?

Too many times to count. Hornets and Wasps got me too.

Probably the most traumatic bee sting I ever had was like 7 years ago when I was living in AZ. I was on the back porch drinking coffee on a lazy Saturday morning and I took a sip of coffee and a bee stung me on the tongue. The little shithead crawled into the coffee cup and I didn’t see him and drank him into my mouth. That pretty much sucked.

Four or five times I would guess. Not a lot since I have an aversion to insects and avoid them. Most stings were decades ago as a kid, but I got stung last summer. Riding my bike something hit my lip and went into my mouth but hit my teeth. Whatever it was stung my lip before I could spit it out. Wasn’t too bad, just swelled up a bit for a day.

WTF is it with mouth stings? Will this end up being a thing?

When i was a kid… A fly flew into the house so i decided i would squish it in flight with my hands. Oops. It was a wasp. I got stung in the middle of the palm of my right hand. It hurt like hell.

3 times so far in my life. Evil yellowjackets.

Never been stung in the mouth but once a friend and I were out walking by a creek and one of us kicked a rock over which apparently had a yellow jacket nest under it. They weren’t too pleased with that, stuck us both over a dozen times. That sucked.

I’ve not once but twice had the distinct pleasure of running over a ground hornet nest mowing. Since you never expect you’re about to get swarmed by a wave of flying stingers they get you repeatedly before you’re aware since the primary focus up to the point of getting stung is just knocking out mowing the yard.

Had this happen in High School and the swarm of hornets after getting me repeatedly proceeded once I ran away to work over the mower in a cloud of death, which they kept up past the point the abandoned mower ran out of gas.

I was super excited to experience this fun once again last summer mowing the yard.

Not many since I was a kid, but when I was like 3-ish we had a swarm of yellowjackets in the back bed of our pickup truck for some reason…presumably something spilled back there. I climbed up in it somehow and got stung a lot. I dunno for sure how much, but a lot. Enough I had spend the night in the ER anyway. My mom says 20 times, but that’s probably inflationary memory.

I have no real memory of it, but I don’t tolerate yellowjackets, hornets, wasps, whatever flying near me either. Honeybees get a pass.

Twice that I can recall, both times as a kid, once on the hand and once on the eyelid (that one was memorable). I suspect not having been stung since is more a comment on how little I’m outside than anything else.

Plenty, though the worst was while in marching band in high school. Playing the sousaphone and this asshole decides to fly into my shirt and sting me right in the armpit.

The resultant blast was heard for miles.

When I was in college I worked for the Garden State Parkway. My crewmates had me jump out of the pickup to open a wooden gate. When I went to push the gate open my hand went right into a yellow jacket nest. I had them all over my hand got stung dozens and dozens of time. I went running for the truck and they started backing up as they saw the cloud of wasps chasing me. They were mouthing Sorry! Sorry! as they kept going faster and faster ------ without me.

One sting these days - Ha! that ain’t nothing anymore to me (as long as you ain’t allergic).

Somehow never been stung by a bee or a wasp, despite constant hours outside as a kid. My mom is deathly allergic to bee stings so I’m hoping I don’t share that trait!

I’ve been stung quite a few times. Twice were single stings I can remember as a small child. But once I was attacked by a swarm of carpenter bees that had a hive in the wall of the house I grew up in. I was on our back deck watching them go in and out and my sister slammed the back door causing them to go on alarm. I had to run into the house and strip off my clothes because they were full of bees. It’s lucky it happened to me and not one of my sisters who were allergic. Hurt like hell, though.

Only once, when I was like 6 or 7 years old. I sat down on someone’s lawn, and sat on something that stung me. It hurt like getting stabbed. In the ass. A great deal of swelling ensued, so my mother took me to the doctor. I don’t remember much more than that, but the memory does stick with you.

Maybe four times or so? They were all as a little kid though.

Ahaha, the exact same thing happened to me except I was playing trombone. Stung me like six times.

Four times. The most memorable incident happened when I was a kid: My parents and I were out picking berries. I was walking around the edge of a clearing looking for a good spot when I saw my mother run around in the middle of the clearing shouting, “Help! They are going to kill me like they did that one man!” I ran to her, not knowing precisely what was happening. When I realized it was wasps, I started running away from my mother. I got stung twice (in my neck amd somewhere else – I don’t remember) while my mother was stung five times.

Happened to me with a can of soda. The bastard got into it when I had sat it down and I drank the bee into my mouth. I was lucky because I felt it and opened my mouth and it either flew out or I spat it out and it didn’t sting me.

Otherwise I’ve been stung several times, the worst was when I was about 5 or 6 and my dad, who grew up in the sticks, made a slingshot and knocked down a beehive about 30 feet up a tree. He told me not to go near it until later but as soon as he walked away I went up to it and got stung several times by the angry bees. I ran in crying and my dad laughed at me. It was cool, though. Even at that age I knew I had fucked up and didn’t blame anyone but myself.

Man, so many times my dad told me not to do something and all it did was make me want to do it. I wish he had known about reverse psychology.

I can’t remember the number, but a handful. I do recall the last time, though. It was a few years ago. I was walking to the couch in my living room and suddenly a sharp jolt of pain hit me. A goddman injured bee had been crawling around on the carpet and I landed my right foot on it and it stung me. That was not fun.