How much Activision does it take to change a Blizzard?

Free-market capitalism depends on regulation to an extent as well, but that is also somehow socialism.

Makes sense.

Geez @Telefrog, didn’t you read the Reddit thread?

Followed up with -

I wish more people grasped this (And I spend time talking to “libertarian” business owners who either don’t, or do and like any system giving them more cash, or in some cases I suspect couldn’t compete as well if the playing field was level.).

Free market is great, and it helps make lots of things work. But it isn’t rocket science, that the scales in the market must be fair, and the market must be open to all products to work. There need to be rules about behavior too (anyone that has played even an in-game auction house knows how to manipulate it I suspect). If the transactions are unfairly priced or the ability to use the market is not equitable then the free market doesn’t work. It is no longer a “free” market but a “corrupt” market and once prices skew the allocation and competition benefits of the system are impaired. I dislike how making a free market truly competitive gets shouted out as “socialism”.

And for some things, free market isn’t the right call. Sometimes is it “socialism”. Having house insurance, and rules on contractor price gouging after a disaster is “socialism”. But most people like insurance and rules on post-disaster price gouging.

But no they go back to here …

No, but I didn’t need to. My “makes sense” was probably a little vague, but I meant that in a “this is standard filing text, etc” way.

That said, it’s not nothing. The article is obviously slanted to get clicks, but the filing warning is news to a lot of people, (maybe not here) that cutting staff is not an automatic budget win for any company.

My company is public and I know there’s a GIANT BLACK HOLE in our 10-K filing.

If really bad shit happens, people will be going to jail.

Have you told the SEC?

Why would Alabama be interested?

Speaking of evil, this article is pretty shocking. Employers, including Activision-Blizzard, are tracking their employees health through an opt-in app that pays them $1/day. ActiBlizzard allegedly uses that aggregate data to monitor pregnant employees and try to get them back to work as soon as possible.

And of course while the app’s data is anonymized, your employer has plenty of other data to correlate to it, and can trivially find your identity.

That’s some fucked up shit. I’m glad WaPo namedropped ActiBlizz in the article.

Seriously fucked up. Here’s the thing, even at a big company like Activision, there aren’t thousands of pregnant women at any given time. It’s probably trivial to figure out who is behind the numbers.

This is some dystopian stuff.

I realize this is a discussion that’s passed us by, but I remember as a kid that I often confused and conflated the two. In my mind, it didn’t help that one of the words in “USSR” was socialist, when everyone knew Russia was a bunch of danged communists. And then you had the People’s Republic of China, so I guess republics are also communist? It gets a bit confusing.

The Handmaid’s Tale, the non-fiction version.

Well, the fact that conservatives purposefully equate the two all the time does not help.

That’s pretty bad. We use Kindara and we don’t think their privacy policy allows doing anything like that, but I wrote them to confirm.

I remember in one of our lead meetings a manager made a joke about hoping no one in this room was about to get pregnant due to a new project they planned to mark a date for. It was so inappropriate to say, and people like that should not have this kind of information. I guess he had one thing going for him, he wasn’t the CEO of AOL.

Two conservative friends on FB have posted this article recently.

“Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian”

Edit: link removed, sorry

Lets stay away from the overt politics stuff in the games forum, OK?

Regarding Kindara and other apps, if it isn’t linked to your employer in some way, typically a special branded version of the app, you don’t have much to worry about there. Of course you should scrutinize all apps that hold your personal information, particularly sensitive stuff like menstruation, pregnancy, diseases, etc, very carefully for their own privacy policies.

I agree that this is some seriously dystopian shit. The companies defend themselves by saying the programs are opt-in, but that doesn’t make them OK.

This is rage inducing. I know I am a broken record when it comes to privacy but this shit is going to get worse until we all start voting with our wallets and employment.

Another example of how “but we comply with privacy laws” is a bullshit excuse for spying on people. Yeah the laws are out of date and obsolete. Be ethical business people till the laws get fixed instead.

A dichotomy that plays into the hands of the rapacious capitalist!