How much Activision does it take to change a Blizzard?

Maybe not, but I don’t think they’re going to need to. There’s already a push to remove Kotick, I think the threat of this kind of thing is going to add some urgency to it.

Considering CoD is their #1 seller every year Rockstar doesn’t make a GTA game, I doubt it.

Using it as a chance to gain easy PR points. Zero chance Kotick was going to make it past the next couple of weeks before these statements came out so yea.

Definitely not going to ban games from their platform. But they do a lot more than that, store page promotions, sales, brand deals etc. There is a lot they probably do beyond simply selling products in their ecosystem. Stuff that probably isn’t good for Activision’s bottom line in the end.

But, it is probably not much more than posturing at this point, easy PR win.

“Until Kotick is gone we keep 90% of game revenue from ActiBlizz, and we donate the split to women’s causes” :)

Kotick is history, it’s all too much now.

Sacking Kotick seems like the right call. He was instantly loathed as soon as he walked in the door.

That depends on whether you think he’s a savvy and skilled CEO, which he very clearly is, and whether you think you can shoulder the criticism until the news cycle moves on, and whether you think the stock price is more likely to recover with him in charge. The latter two are debatable.

He needs to go for fucking up the co-leads pay. When you fuck up the high-visible “course correction” to prove you don’t need to be sued by the state, it’s safe to assume this problem exists all the way down the line.

I was a stock holder but liquidated last year. I would not touch it right now but am eyeing how they handle this and will be looking to possibly renenter if I like what I see. They have valuable IP’s still so the stock price will recover with or without him in the short to mid term. However, I just don’t see them keeping enough talent around with him in charge for it to not eventually have a net negative impact on profits and stock price down the line. He is a savvy and skilled CEO but he’s also toxic and once one outweighs the other ( I think they are there)it’s bye bye Bobby.

Pfft. Even if Evil Bobby sails away merrily on his golden parachute, some other evil corporate drone will take his place in a flurry of phoney woke PR dollars.

Meet the new boss…

From the Girls Who Code org:

Girls Who Code has partnered with Activision Blizzard on our Summer Immersion Program since 2018. However, following recent revelations about allegations of assault, harassment, and a toxic work environment throughout the company, we have decided to end our partnership.

Our priority has and always will be to stand up for women and other underrepresented groups in tech and ensure that they are given the support and stability they need to actively thrive as they pursue a career in computer science.

The news about Activision proves that our priorities are fundamentally misaligned. We cannot in good conscience continue to work with a company that is so antithetical to our own values.

Imagine being a recruiter for AB right now. I mean I guess there is a quantity of money that will get almost anyone to come on board, but it’s gonna be a lot.

Paul Reiche III, founder of Activision subsidiary and Skylanders studio Toys For Bob, has shared some thoughts with Axios:

If the new stories I have read are true, I can’t see how Activision can continue its success without new leadership.

Reiche left Toys For Bob last year to make his successor to Star Control II.

Kotick held a meeting with the Call of Duty publisher’s top executives on Friday to address the latest problems they face.

While he did not say he would definitely step down, he said it was a possibility if the company’s issues with abuse and misconduct were not fixed “with speed.”

During the meeting, execs reportedly told Kotick that some staff would not be satisfied until his resigned.

Kotick said apologised for how he has handled the situation and added he was ashamed of some of the incidents that have happened during his 30-year tenure as CEO.

That’s the most clear sign yet that he’s definitely out. I think he’ll be gone before New Year.

The buck stops with Bobby. Internet, get him!

With thirty years tenure it’s time Bobby Kotick retired. I’m sure he can afford to.

Nintendo has joined the chorus along with Xbox/Playstation.

I really thought he’d tough it out, but yeah, telling the board he’d retire if necessary means he’s almost certainly out the door.