How Tall Is Bear Grylls?...Wait, What the @#*! Did He Name His Kids?

Poor choice on my part, change it to Detroit and it will make sense.
Marmaduke is arguably the worst comic in the paper, is the point.


Sure, the ideal solution is to build a signal fire and sit still waiting for rescue. However, that’s not a show I’m interested in watching.

So it’s like Jackass with a script.

Sure, I guess so.

Only much further from emergency services and with less emphasis on balls-based humor.

So, speaking of which… what do we think of Dual Survivors? Anyone watch it?

— Alan

Wait, which show was it that had the guy vomiting up raw testicles?

You know who’s better than both of them though? Ray Mears. I prefer his shows to either Survivorman or Man vs. Wild. I get a feeling that if you dropped all of them in the Amazon jungle Mears would be the only one to emerge alive on his own. And quite comfortably so.

I didn’t say NO balls-based humor. Just less.

Dave Canterbury kind of sucks, but Cody is so full of awesome he makes up for it. The man climbs glaciers with only socks on. That’s hardcore.

At least he named them somewhat normal names.

Pilot Inspektor? Now that’s a messed up name.