How to fight Awful Green Things from Outer Space, part 1

Title How to fight Awful Green Things from Outer Space, part 1
Author Bruce Geryk
Posted in Features
When October 15, 2013

That's the opening setup, I mean that's how things looked on the actual Znutar when the crew discovered the Awful Green Things. The monsters started out in the Cockboat Bay (ha!) and spread out one per unoccupied space: 6 eggs, 4 babies, 2 adults..

Read the full article

Oh, sheesh. I'm going to go right now and put Awful Green Things out on the game table... this article really made me want to play it.

The new Steve Jackson Games version, with die-cut counters and a real board and everything, is a very nice printing of this game. I was able to put aside my half-finished project of mounting all the hand-cut cardboard chits from the VHS-box version on tiny tiles...

I really loved the quality of the original TSR version, however I lost that during a move. I picked up the Steve Jackson games version and the quality went way down. I'd love to see this one released with plastic minis and a massive cardboard board. It could be amazing.

Also maybe I missed it, but what result did the com beamers give against the green things. A lucky result with them could win you the game. Imagine all the 5 dice to kill AOE attacks...

nm , forgot you got a grow result. Eeew

Must be better than mine. I have the 5th edition from SJ games and the counters are basicly paper chits. And the board is of the flimsiest of cardboards. I checked out their web site and it does look like they improved the components a lot. They should at least put a plastic LeadFoot in there.

I always thought this game would be a lot better with solitaire mechanics. As a 2 player game it always too frustrating since the crew winning seemed to always boil down to getting an area effect weapon early. You either did and won, or didn't and lost.

That kind of stacked deck would be fine as a solitaire narrative game, but competing against another person...not so much.

Mr. Geryk, you make this game sound amazing. This might very well be the first non- Parker Brothers board game I give a try.

"they are in [the] same space during combat"
"The ones facing Captain Yid and his intrepid first officer turn around [and] swarm into Damage Control Central"
'“She’s a-workin’,["] says Sarge'
'["]It figures,” mutters the Marine'