How's your eye for 80's Arcade Game Logos?

I’m amazed how many people never heard of E. Hell, I just watched them play it on Starcade a week ago. Great game. I played that one a lot.


Looks like a fun game. I’ll have to try it.

I finally had to give up on H. I mentally associate that with the screen display, not that generic-looking marquee.

We used to play J when there was nothing else available on a busy Friday night at the arcade. It still sucked.

E and Q were side-by-side at the local convenience store when I was in 6th grade. A was at another convenience store the other way down the street. I got very good at all of them. This was in Maine, where every soda can you find is worth five cents.

Yeah it did. It was the beginning of a long tradition, still alive in spirit with the “Fight Club” video game: The suck-ass licensed title.

Oh… I HAVE seen “E” before!!! That was a long time ago. Looks like a good one, too.

I really wish the O was Tecmo Bowl.

Damn this thread!

21 before I gave up. I couldn’t figure out E, I, N, P, or X. E was pretty tricky, but I really should have gotten P and I.

That pink thing under the “Y” is freaking me out a bit…

My wife had J when she was a kid, the Atari version. She has fond memories but I disapprove.

Damn you all. I’m going to end up working on this all day.

Q was a given, and I managed to get 9 of 26 by brute force guessing.

17 of 26 before i broke down and cheated by looking at the answers. cool puzzle!

I actually didn’t get I until I started browsing photos of machines online. But yeah, you really SHOULD have gotten P. ;)

I only got 10 of 26 before I looked at the answers. Some of them I felt stupid for not getting, but some I had never even heard of, or dont remember ever playing anyway.
