Humble Bundle key redemption is awesome again (mostly) but the games are kinda meh

Oh - maybe the difference is that (unusually) I unlocked the selections on mobile this month?

No headliner, but it is actually a bundle I was glad to get for 10 bucks, I really want to try Occupation, and few others (Gen Zero, Catherine, Strange Brigade) might be interesting for a while as well.

Ah crap, thanks for the heads up. Definitely going on pause then and will see what sort of coupon, if any, comes my way.

Strange Brigade is entertaining if you get into its theme. The shooting feels awkward to me though.

paused again. Forager is great, but I own it already… I bought the comics bundle with The Boys instead. I hope next month will be better, maybe I cancel it altogether, because I don’t game on PC anymore with some exceptions like Opus Magnum.

Man. Happy to be paused. That is a horrid bundle.

Strange Brigade is a really excellent little pulp action shooter with some clever puzzles and excellent level design. However, I already own it, and I don’t see a single other title in this entire selection that motivates me to maintain a subscription this month. Pause it shall be.

Edit: They tried to give me a $4 off coupon but this bundle outside Strange Brigade isn’t even worth $8 to me. I then had to click, I think, six times to get it to finally relent and pause. Am I crazy or have they added yet another layer of confirmations?

I guess they want you to be really sure you’re sure you want to pause. A lot of customers must change their minds at this stage and later complain.

@wavey, I tried to use that code and it has already been redeemed. Thanks for the offer tho.

Right? Who’s the person that, at the fifth prompt, goes “no, wait, I don’t want to pause after all?”

Terrible month. Still not pausing. Expect to see a bunch of my keys in the giveaway thread:)

Not really interested in anything on that list except maybe Generation Zero. It’s a pause month again for me.

Fwiw, I enjoyed Generation Zero in single-player, but I could absolutely recognize the game would be better with a friend to appreciate the atmosphere with.

I tried GenZero and Strange Brigade for 20mins each and really like them even solo. Both completely opposite in tone, but both graphically beautiful and enjoyable to play.

This might lowkey end up one of the best bundles for me.

I almost bought Forager by itself for ~$12 a couple of times, so this month is an easy buy for me. Having Catherine on PC will be nice as well.

I don’t get the appeal of games like Forager. It seems like Busywork: The Game. Graphically it looks ugly too. Looking at the steam page, even the press reviews they have there:

“Forager is surprisingly addictive junk food.”

"Forager simply does away with any pretense. It’s incredibly successful at what it does, and by that judgment I’d recommend it. That said, I was relieved when I finally hit max level and the bonds broke. I Alt-F4ed and uninstalled it. "

I don’t get why anyone would waste time with it. But…I know, tastes and all that.

I don’t get the “ugly” charge at all. As pixel art goes, it’s colorful, crisp, and clear.

Last month was my first pause since monthly/choice began and this will likely be the second. Mildly interested in Gen Zero and Strange Brigade, but not $12 interested.

I clicked my 700 buttons and paused again.

A lot of them are genres I’m not super likely to play. If they are something I might like, I can immediately think of a better game that I’d rather play then the one in the bundle.

I agree! Playing Gen Zero solo is hitting that Arma 3 vibe that works for me so well. Similar to Arma 3, its a little too hard for me to really get invested in when playing alone. Maybe when I actually find a primary weapon instead of plinking at enemies with my pistol I’ll be able to survive longer.