I dream of Tom Chick


Also, what does it mean if you never remember your dreams? Did my soul die?

That’s a pretty cool dream. I like the “action movie” dreams where you feel like you’re on a mission, especially when you’re in the dream state where you feel like you have control on what’s going on (I will make no claims as to whether or not people actually do).

Anyway, I haven’t had any good QT3 dreams lately.

Tom Chick loves me
Yes I know
'Cuz the groupthink tells me so
When I’m weak
He makes me strong
That is why I sing this song
As I lay me down to sleep
Pray my soul for him to keep
Tom Chick loves me, yes I know…
XPav he loved Tom Chick
But not like others did
For he had a special bottle
In which the Entity lived
XPav he loved Tom Chick
But not like others did
For he could unleash his vengeance
Just by unfastening the lid

Hmm. The last dream I can remember was pretty unpleasant. My hands and feet were chained to a wooden frame in the shape of a square. It was in some kind of basement. I got the impression that it was quite dark, but I wasn’t really paying attention to the surroundings, because right in front of me was a woman with absolutely no flesh. Not like someone born without skin, but as if it had been filleted off. Somehow, I knew she had done it to herself. She started walking towards me, her feet making horrible wet squelching noises on the cold floor of the room, and I found that I couldn’t move. I was utterly transfixed by the horrible spectacle of this creature coming towards me, even though I knew that all she wanted was to make me just like her. I kept feeling like I should be trying to struggle, to run, but all I could do was watch. Somewhere in the back of my head, I realized this was a dream, and tried to force myself to wake up, because I was unspeakably afraid of what would happen if she managed to reach me. After a few moments, she was standing right in front of me, close enough to touch. She started to lean in, close, as if for a kiss… as I finally woke up, covered in sweat.

Ugh. Just writing about that creeps me out. I can still remember exactly what she looked like, even though this was years ago. I don’t know what it is, but I only ever remember my nightmares.

You really should stop watching those horror movies…

Should I post my dreams so you can mock them? I know you want me to, but will this end up being some kind of big mistake?

This thread is useless without pics of the original Tom Chick dream. Quick, someone invent a way to take screenshots while sleeping.

I had a dream last night. Where was i? I can’t remember; in a parking lot of some school/bar/university, i can’t remember. Someplace urban.

Anyway, between several cars and car windows, out of the corner of my eye, i saw lots of suited “cleanthugs” (zoot suit-esque) pressing really close together - like 3 facing north, 3 facing south. No one else could see what they were doing apparently or were paying attention (they were a good 40’ or so away). Finally i noticed they had squashed between them a small runty little guy (nerd?) and were silently hitting him with fists in the back and front, hidden by their fellows and suits. So i challenge them. Immediately one of them pulls a knife out and charges me! I’m thinking “oops”. But then the dream gets fairly obviously dream-like and i go through about four different potential disarming scenarios in my head.

Before i know it it’s 6:00 AM, wake up time.

I had a dream recently after playing too much Wow that I was in an endless Karazhan, except there were no bosses and it was just endless trash clearing. I woke up more tired than when I went to bed. ><

I had a dream last night that I was training to be a ninja. No joke. I was having trouble doing that “running up a wall by bounding back and forth between two facings of a corner” trick. I could do it just fine when I was action figure size, but whenever I’d try to tackle the full-sized wall, I could only make it up about five feet before I fell.

Hey, it was a dream. I never said that it made sense. 100% true story, though, and the first ninja training dream I’ve ever had.

XPav I think these dreams mean you spend too much time reading QT3.

Can I be in the club? I’ve just had my first Tom Chick dream!

I can’t tell you quite how it began. I think there was some gathering or event that took place where I first met Tom at the beginning of a weekend. I didn’t know Tom any better in this dream than I do now. Being a dream, it’s hard to say if I just can’t remember the first meeting now that I’m awake, or if the dream simply started with the premise that it was the second time we were going to hang out.

We were going to hold the most surreal role playing session I can (and subconsciously did) imagine, though it seemed very normal under the circumstances. I figured it was just what the more savvy and intellectual types did when they’d grown out of D&D. Tom came by to pick me up, and there was some brief discussion in the car about his other hobby, bicycling, as I had to move some of his fliers for his Protestant Cycling Club out of the front seat. Totally not making that up, picture of Tom on his bike on the cover and everything. I think he was the leader. I mean, yeah, I made it up in the dream, but I’m not just embellishing the dream now.

So anyway, the rest of the way to the arena, Tom explains things to me. A friend of his organizes these RPGs Tom runs as a sort of side show at something. I can’t remember what the main event was, but it was taking place at a small arena or coliseum. The coliseum felt sports-related, but it couldn’t have been any serious sport taking place because we’d be taking up a bit of the floor space in front of the first row.

This RPG is basically a game within a game (within a game, if you count the main event I can’t remember). Tom gets his group of people together and DMs as they LARP as characters putting on a play, using volunteers from the audience. So someone from the audience, bored with whatever’s going on, might volunteer to be in our little production, and from their perspective we’re just part of the whole event. They don’t know that the five of us doing this play are actually playing our own game, trying our best to impersonate some…I dunno, traveling theater people.

Tom and I get there and meet up with the other three people playing (who are people I know in real life, but they don’t contribute to the dream much other than being there). Tom’s friend that organizes this meets up with us so they can haggle over some details. Apparently, we’re not getting access to the changing rooms normally allotted (for costume changes, duh), our actors will have to change in the bathrooms, but the arena is giving us better reserved seats. The reserved seats are for our two volunteers to sit back down in when they’re “off stage” or not involved. It seems like a fair deal. Tom’s friend refers to him as Christie, which is apparently Tom’s middle name, and we give him a haha-he-called-you-what? smirk.

Negotiations complete, we get down to business. The play for tonight is Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. The first thing we do is pick nicknames to go on our name badges. We goad Tom into going with Tom “Christie” Chick, and in what sadly may be the most clever thing I’ve ever done in a dream, my own name being Chris, my name tag says Chris “Tommy” Schmidt. Cause, you know, it’s sort of the reverse of Tom and his totally gay name. Next we discuss our characters, which is where the dream starts to break up. I don’t remember establishing much other than that our characters were “old”. I pulled my pants up high in exaggeration and did my best Professor Farnsworth impression, we kid around a little more, and then the AC kicks on and it’s enough to snap me back to consciousness.

Going back through it all now while I’m awake, there isn’t much in the events as I describe them that clearly establishes what we were doing as an RPG of any kind, we really just behaved like some volunteers Tom roped into helping with his community service hours, only with nicknames! The context in the dream was clear though, this was definitely a kind of game, and it was implied that there were further criteria and goals to better shape the game, I just never made it that far in the dream. Also, this wasn’t the first Qt3 dream I’ve had; several weeks ago I woke up with a much vaguer memory of helping the Gallants teach a class at a high school, but since that’s really all I remember, I don’t think it was worth its own post. Matt seemed like a pretty funny guy though.

  • Chris “Tommy” Schmidt

I dreamt of Tom Chick. Was I…

a) Making inane posts with Shmtur by raising dead topics from the grave and voting in old polls?

b) Watching old episodes of The Office (US version) with Tom and Gil?

c) Posting in P&R, contradicting everything the Glenn and MikeSofaer unit says?

d) Researching the housing prices vs homicide rates vs number of babies born per woman per year?

We’ll let the community decide!

Also, you guys all suck for not responding to me immediately. My patience is not that strong.

My vote is C.

I’m clicking on the letters, but the poll isn’t working. Wait, did it work that time?

I hope it wasn’t a. Because if you were dreaming of him while we were doing that, well, that’s just plain weird.



I’m definitely going with b.

